
Surprise Visitors.

Paul's P.O.V

The wind blows through my fur, as I'm sitting on the cliff in my wolf form. I've been in this form for the last two weeks. Ignoring pretty much everyone, just waiting to hear from Carson. Ever since she left my house that day, I think I have been even more moody than I usually am. I lay down resting my wolf head on my paws. Closing my eyes, I picture Carson in my head. Her long brown hair, her warm, yet sarcastic hazel eyes, her always there smirk, I feel myself smile as I picture her, wishing that she was actually here with me. I hear wolf steps and my eyes snap open and my head shoots up. I look behind me and see Jake and Sam. They had finally found me. They slowly came towards me, not knowing how I would react to the two of them. I just sighed to myself and laid my head back down, not caring at all about what they did.

Paul.. I hear Sam's voice in my head. Somethings wrong I can tell. Raising to my paws, I look to the both of them.

What? In my head its silent for moments before Jake finally says something.

It's Carson.. She's gone... She left about a week ago. I stand there for a moment, before the news actually sinks in.

Not knowing what to do or think, I growl and take a huge leap over the two, running away from them. I really need to be alone before I do anything to anyone that I might regret. I run through the woods with all that I can, not knowing where I am going, just running trying to get away from I don't know what. I don't know what to do anymore. I really wish I had never imprinted in the first place, things would be so god damn easier.

I run out of the woods. I stop at the sight of my house, and sighed to myself, and for the first time in two weeks I shifted back to my human form. Not being used to my human form, I stumbled a little at first, before I could finally make it inside my house. I slipped on some clothes. As much as I knew I should sleep, I couldn't. So I take a drive. I drive the roads of La Push, before coming to a stop in front of Carson's house. I step out of my truck and make my way up to the front door. I knock on the door and wait for someone to answer. The door opens minutes later, and there stands Carsons' Grandfather Reese Longe. We both look each other up and down before looking each other in the eye.

"You must be him. Well, come on in we have things to talk about." The older man walks further into the house, and without hesitation I follow him. We sit down at the man's kitchen table, neither of us speaking for seconds, before he hands me a piece of paper.

"That's the note she left me."

I open the note and read over Carson's fast scribbly hand writing. It's very vague as it only says that she needs to get away and that he shouldn't worry about her. Sighing I through the piece of paper to the table and run a tired hand through my hair. The old man looks me over once more, before speaking again.

"You know right before she left we had a conversation. At first I didn't actually believe we had the conversation, but then things started making sense to me, and I realized that what she said to me that day, she believed with everything in her."

"What was the conversation about?" I ask, not caring if I'm being rude or nosy.

"Love." He says with a small chuckle. I can't help but tense a little at the word that had cause so much trouble.

"Carson has never had an idea of what love really is, and you imprinting on her probably just makes her confused as hell." I was shocked, he knew I had imprinted. I knew he knew about the whole wolf thing and stuff like that, since he was an elder on the council, but I had no idea that he knew about me imprinting on his granddaughter.

"Ha ha, yeah I knew you imprinted on her, well I didn't know it was you exactly, I just knew someone had, or this would have never happened. Carson is a smart girl, she keeps her walls up very high, and nothing has every broken them down, but you kid, you might have just done the impossible." I stay silent through the whole thing not really knowing what to say.

"She's gonna come back, probably later, rather than sooner, but she will come back. When she does though I don't know what her answer would be. She's very complex, you never know what she is going to do. Don't try and find her either, there's no point in doing so. If you do try I doubt you will, and if, and that's a very big if, you do find her, you will probably make her even more mad. So my advice kid is just to wait it out and get all your thoughts together, before she does get back." I nod slowly, understanding most of what he is saying.

"For now just go home and get some sleep, because frankly son, you look like shit." I couldn't help but give off a small laugh. We both stand, and I make my way back to my truck, turning back at the sound of Reese's voice.

"Good luck kid, you're gonna need it." He says with a hard laugh as he shuts the door to his home. I shake my head at the old man, and get in my truck. I head back home to think over everything the old man just said.

Carson's P.O.V

"This is nice." I say to my older sister, Riley.

"It is, and it really is good to have you here Carson." I smile at my sister.

I didn't know where I was going when I left La Push, and the first person that had come to my mind was my sister. So I drove to Oregon. My sister welcomed me with open arms, and I pretty much told her everything, well almost everything, I left out a few minor details. Riley is chatting up a storm, when there is a knock at the door, and Kayla, Riley's 3 year old daughter, starts crying.

"I'll get the door." I say, as Riley disappears down the hall and into Kayla's bedroom.

I open the door, and I can't believe who I see.

"What are you doing here." All traces of my happiness were now gone.