
New People

Paul's P.O.V

That bit-, I couldn't even call her that because it would hurt me to say something awful about her. I sighed to myself, she was a tease, and what she said about making out with Embry was just disgusting. It sounded like that's all she wanted from him was to make out and nothing more. Like he would be her little make out buddy. This of course angered me. Thinking about her kissing someone other than me made my blood boil.

I could feel myself shaking again. I didn't want to turn inside my house and destroy it, so I quickly ran outside and phased. I ran into the forest. I needed to let off steam. I could hear Sam in my head. He was asking what was wrong, and what had happened, but I just blocked him out as best as I could. I didn't need Sam's lectures at the moment. I went to the cliffs. I went behind one of the trees that had bags behind it for us. I phased back to human form and got dressed. I made my way to the edge of the cliff, and I just stayed there looking out at the view for the rest of the day.

Carson's P.O.V

I skipped school for the rest of that day. I knew it probably wasn't the smartest thing to do especially since it was only the second day of school. I dropped Randi off at the school, because she actually wanted to go back to school. Then I was alone for the rest of the day. I was thinking about going back home, but then Grandpa would be there and he would get mad if he knew I skipped. In the end I decided that I would drive up to Port Angeles for the day.

I was new here so I had no idea where I was going to go. I decided to get myself my own personal tour guide. I went up to the nearest group of people to me. I looked them over. They were all pale and gorgeous. One of them looked my way. He was cute I guess, if you liked the harry potter, minus the glasses, kind of guy. He had a girl in his arms, and he just stared intently at me. I ignored him and looked over the group again. They all looked like they had girls. I may fuck around with guys, but I DO NOT steal other girl's guys. So I decided to walk away from the group.

I walked a ways by myself and never saw someone that I would like as a tour guide so I decided to stop searching for one and just explore on my own. I saw a small book store and decided to go in and check it out. As I entered I heard a bell ding. There was an older man behind the counter and he barely looked up as I entered. I went to the back of the store and saw what they had. They didn't have much, but what they did have was a little interesting. I picked a few books and went to purchase them. As I left the group of people from earlier were coming in. I let them pass before I went. One of the girls stopped in front of me though. She was tiny but she looked like she would be a force to reckon with. Everything about her was small though her hair was short, her features small, but of course it all suited her so perfectly.

"Hi I'm Alice, and you are?" I looked at her like she was crazy. Stranger Danger I thought to myself. The one that stared at me earlier gave a small chuckle. I looked over at him. These people were just weird.

"Carson." I said before trying to leave, but she stopped me. She was surprisingly strong for her size, and her hands were icy cold.

"Wait, would you like to come over to our place this weekend and have dinner with us?" Was this girl mental? We did not know each other what so ever and she was asking me to come over for dinner. I was about to decline when a feeling came over me. A feeling that told me I could trust these people, and that I would be happy if I accepted the offer.

"Sure." I said with a huge smile. On the inside I was crying to myself asking myself what the hell did I just do?

"Great, my niece Nessie will pick you up. I think you know her?" I slowly nodded. I then left as quickly as possible. All of that had just officially freaked me the hell out.