
You Stink

I begged Randi to come with me to the dinner, but she declined telling me that she already had plans with Jared. So as I waited alone for Nessie to pick me up I thought over why I had agreed to go in the first place. I didn't know these people what so ever, and yet I had agreed to go to dinner with a bunch of complete strangers. Ever since I had moved here I had been confused more than ever by everything. I had guessed it was because I was knew to the place, and I hadn't know anything, but now I don't know.

Nessie arrived around six-ish, I found out then that Jake was going to be there as well. This relieved me a little, there would be at least one person I knew there. The ride took about 20 to 30 minutes, which was fine with me. I had to admit that I was a little nervous, so this gave me time to calm myself down and relax. We arrived at a huge yet beautiful house. I got out of the car with the others. They walked right into the house without knocking. I felt awkward with just walking in and not knocking, but I followed the others anyways. I entered the house to be greeted by the same group of people that I had seen the first time, but with a few additions.

"Hello, my name is Carlisle and this is my wife Esme. Alice tells us that she invited you here for dinner?" I only nodded. Alice came out of the group and grabbed me by the arm.

"C'mon Carson let me introduce you to everyone. This is my... Husband Jasper, his sister Rosalie and her husband Emmet, and this is my brother Edward and his wife Bella, and I'm sure you know their daughter Nessie and her boyfriend Jake."

"Nice to meet you." Was all I could muster up to say. These people were too young to be what she said they were especially too young to have children. This only confused me more.

Alice then dragged me to another room, which I took as their dining room. She sat me down in one of the many chairs around the table. Everyone else took a seat as well. I had Jake on my right and Edward on my left. Esme then passed out food to myself, Jake, and Nessie. The others gave excuses as to why they weren't eating. It was very silent as Jake scarfed his food, as Nessie ate tidbits of her food, and as I moved my food around my plate. I was tired of the silence, so I put my fork down and looked up at everyone.

"Why was I invited here?" They stayed quiet still. It was minutes before Alice said something.

"Well.. I saw you that day and you um, looked interesting, so when we saw you again I decided to invite you to dinner?" That was a horrible answer and it had come out as a question more than an answer. I stood up. I was leaving. It was probably better that I leave now rather than later, I don't know what these people might do to me.

"I must be leaving now. Nice meeting you all. Goodbye." I hadn't driven here so I started my walk home.

3rd P.O.V Back at the House

"Well that went a little better than I thought it would." Bella said, while bringing the dishes into the kitchen.

"Yes, but I think it could have gone even better." Esme said while joining her.

"Why did you invite her here anyways, Alice? Only you and Edward really know." Bella asked Alice as she came into the kitchen as well.

"Well I had this vision when I first saw her, and whatever happens to her is going to effect all of us, so I just wanted her to be comfortable with us, but it kind of backfired on me." Alice said with a sigh. Her thoughts were still on her vision.

Carson's P.O.V

I had walked all the way home thinking that all I wanted to do was go to bed, but once I reached the house I couldn't keep myself still, so I decided to go for a run. I had always loved running, and the feeling of euphoria it gives me has never left me. I went to my room and changed then grabbed my I-pod. I left minutes later and headed for the forest. I ran forever, well forever until I reached the cliffs. I took my ear buds out turned my I-pod off. I went to the edge of the cliff and enjoyed the view. I was listening to the waves hit the shore when I heard leaves being crunched behind me. I turned my head to see none other than Paul.

"Hey there." I said turning back towards my view.

"Hi." He came beside me and looked at the ocean with me.

"Did you come here to repay me?" I asked with a small smile.

"No." He said gruffly.

"You're gonna have to sooner or later you know?" He sighed and shook his head. Just then a breeze came by us. It went straight in Paul's direction. He sniffed the air, I have no idea why though.

"You stink." I turned towards him shocked. When I looked at his face though, he looked angry as hell.

"Paul? Are you okay?" I asked. He let out a growl. I backed up a little only to see that if I backed up anymore I would fall off the cliff.

Paul growled again and then he stormed off into the forest. I sighed in relief. It was good that he left. I didn't need him taking his anger out on me. The breeze came back again, but this time it pushed me back. I fell off the cliff. I screamed.

Paul's P.O.V

Why the hell did she stink so fucking bad? The only way it could be that way is if.... Vampires! She had been hanging out with those damned vampires! She shouldn't stink like vampires, she should smell like the reservation or the wolves at least.

I was going back to my house so I could think better when I heard a scream. Not any scream, but her scream. I ran back to the cliffs. I looked over the edge and saw her falling. I backed up to the forest to get a running start then ran and jumped off the cliff. I phased mid-jumped. She hit the water before I did. When I hit the water I couldn't see her anywhere.