
What a Dinner

I woke up in a very white room, but I could tell it wasn't a hospital. I looked around the room; it looked like somebody's bedroom. I sighed to myself. I tried sitting up, but my whole body was sore, so I just laid back down. The next minute I heard a knocking on the door and the door was being opened and people were walking in. I watched as Carlisle, Paul, and my grandfather all walked in. I raised my eyebrow in question.

"Hello Carson it's nice to see you again." Carlisle said. I saw anger flash through Paul's eyes.

"Yeah, so where am I?"

"You're in one of the guest bedrooms of the Cullens'." My grandfather answered.

"Beanie why were you so close to the edge of the cliffs?" My grandfather asked. I only shrugged my shoulders. He sighed an old man sigh, and walked out the room. Knowing my grandfather he was worried, but he was also just happy that I was alive.

"What happened?" I finally asked.

"You fell off the cliff, I heard you scream, I jumped in, I pulled you out of the water." Paul said nonchalantly.

"Thanks" He nodded then he left as well. Now it was only Carlisle and I.

"You all are so similar." He said looking me over. I said nothing.

"Anyways, how do you feel?"


"You will for at least a couple of days, but it shouldn't be that bad. I also have painkillers if you need them." I nodded. He headed for the door but stopped short.

"I'm sorry for what happened the other night. We weren't very honest with you, and I apologize for that." I just looked at him.

"It's fine."

"If you will, please join us for dinner, as sort of an apology?" I didn't know what to say, but Paul's storming in the next minute saved me from saying anything for a moment.

"No!" He roared. "She doesn't need to be around you." He said you with such venom in his voice.

"Why?" I asked him. He just looked at me and shook his head. This made me angry. So I decided to be defiant.

"Yes I will join you for dinner thanks for the invitation." Carlisle nodded and left. Paul just stood there glaring at the floor. It was silent. Moments passed and neither of us said anything. Finally I was about to say something when he started first.

"If you're going to that damned dinner then have someone go with you. I don't trust these people." He was staring at the floor as he spoke. This put a smirk on my face.

"Well could you find my escort then and make him hot." I said relaxing in the bed a little. I could see him visibly tense.

"Why would you ask that of me?" I smirked in his direction.

"Because you're the one who wants me to have someone with me. It might as well be you who finds someone." I explained.

"I can't do that for you." He was still staring at the ground.


"'Cause I can't." He spat at me.

"Fine, then I guess I will just have to bring you." He looked up finally. He started shaking his head. I interrupted him of course.

"I have already made up my mind. Either you go with me or I go alone." He sighed, and shook his head again.

"Well then it looks like I'm going alo-" He cut me off.

"FINE!" He practically growled at me. I smiled triumphantly.

"Good, Pauly and I are gonna have a fun night." his cheeks went a little red from the nick-name.

"Don't call me that." He said quietly.

"Why not?"

"Just don't."

"Aw, but it's cute. Pauly." I said with a huge smile. He just shook his head and turned to leave.

"Remember dinner tonight Pauly." I called out to his retreating figure. He muttered an okay then he was finally out the door.


Hours later I was sitting beside Pauly at the Cullen's dining room table. Again everything was quiet and it was starting to get on my nerves. Someone needed to talk, and soon! As if reading my thoughts Edward started speaking. Although it was pretty much non-sense it was still something. I looked over to Pauly, he looked tense, but he also looked pretty damned bored. I stifled a laugh, and tried to listen to Edward's non-sense, but it was boring, and well.. Made no sense! I gave a fake cough, and everyone looked at me.

"So, Carson how long do you plan on staying in La Push?" Esme asked in a motherly tone.

"Oh, um just until I graduate then I'm gone." I felt Pauly tense up beside me. I looked over at him confused.

"Oh what colleges are you applying for?"

"I haven't decided yet." I looked to Alice and her eyes were filled with doubt.

Doubt about what? Doubt that I wasn't going to graduate? Doubt I wasn't going to leave? Doubt I wasn't going to get into college? This angered me a little, but only a little. This chattering went on for hours. They would ask questions, I would answer them then I would glance at Alice to see if she had doubt in her eyes or not. When I could take no more of this I decided it was time for us to leave. I made sure Pauly was done eating before I said my goodbyes.

"Well it was a great dinner, now it's time we probably go." I said standing up. Paul was already at the door. I couldn't help but smile at him.

"Oh, anytime! Don't be afraid to come over anytime either." Alice said to us as we exited the house.

"Will do!" I shouted back to her. We got into Paul's truck and he proceeded to drive us home.

The ride home was silent. When we arrived at my house I was glad to see it. It felt like it had been days since I had been home. I got out of the truck and walked around to Pauly's side of the truck. He rolled down the window, so I could speak. I folded my arms on the window ledge and leaned in.

"Thanks Pauly." he only nodded, though I doubted he knew what I was thanking him for. I leaned in some more and kissed his cheek then I moved across his cheek to his ear.

"Really, Pauly, thanks." I whispered. Again he nodded. I backed away from the truck and watched as he drove off.