
Two Weeks Later

"Oh Randi." I sang through the hallways of the school.

"What is it Carson?" She said while coming around the corner.

"I'm bored."

"Get to class then."

"But class is boring."

"I don't care.. C'mon." She grabbed my wrist and started tugging me toward my mythology class.

"We're here!" I yelled as we entered the class that we were about 10 minutes late for.

"Nobody cares, Carson, just go take your seat. You too Miranda." I stuck my tongue out at the teacher and went to take my seat in the back. When I was seated, Lucas, the boy who sat in front of me, turned around in his seat, and he smiled at me. I just smirked back.

"So, Carson you wanna get together after school today?" I thought his request over. I could either hang with sexy Lucas or I could go home and do homework.

"Yeah, meet me in the students' parking lot."

"Mkay, see you there." Then he winked at me and turned back around to the teacher.

I felt a note hit my hands seconds later. I looked in the direction where it had come from. Randi was just looking at me. I opened the note and read Randi's quick handwriting.

What did Lucas want? I wrote back telling her he wanted to hang after school. I tossed it back, then waited for her reply. It didn't take long to get one. I opened the note to see that she had put a small confused face and her writing followed.

What about Paul? I looked at her confused. I mouthed to her 'what about Paul' and she motioned for me to pass the note back to her. Again it was only seconds I had to wait until she replied.

I thought you two were a thing or whatever. You know like in a relationship? I shook my head.

No we're not. I don't do relationships, remember? I tossed the note back. Truth be told I hadn't really seen Paul since that night he went to dinner with me, and I hadn't really noticed his absence, until Miss Randi brought it up. I should go over to his place and annoy him, but that will have to be after Lucas. The bell rang before Randi could reply, so the note passing stopped there. I grabbed Randi by the wrist and pulled her over to the side of the hallway.

"Why would you think Paul and I were together?"

"Oh um, well um, no reason." She was such a horrible liar.

"You know something that I don't. What is it?"

"Nothing." She tried leaving but I grabbed her wrist to make her stay.

"Tell me Randi."

"Really it's nothing Carson, and you're sure to find out sooner or later." I raised my eyebrow at her then proceeded to walk away. I felt l like I was always the last person to know anything around here. I'm getting kind of sick of it. I saw Lucas and went up to him.

"Hey how about we skip the rest of the day and go have some fun?" I said and gave him a wink. He smiled and nodded. I grabbed his hand, and started pulling him toward the entrance of the school. He let go of my hand and put his arm around my shoulders. We got into his car, and he started driving toward where ever he was taking us.


I kissed Lucas as he dropped me off at my car. We had spent about 3 hours having, um "fun" together.

"Thanks Lucas, it was fun. See ya around." I watched as he drove away.

I got into my car and looked at the time, the red numbers told me that it was four. I didn't feel like going home, so I decided to go over and annoy Paul. I remembered the way to his place from the last time I had gone there. I arrived to find his door unlocked and complete silence in his house. I went down the hallway and started looking through the rooms for him. I found him in a bedroom sleeping. I went over to the side of the bed and looked at his sleeping face.

He looked cute when he was sleeping and didn't try and look mean and tough. I chuckled at this thought and poked his cheek. This did nothing, so I poked him again. He groaned and turned onto his other side. I went over to the other side of the bed and had to climb across the bed to get to him. I poked him again and again all he did was groan, but this time he started flinging his arm at me, trying to swat me like a fly. I stopped his lame attempt at trying to make me go away by grabbing his arm. This just made him curl his arm around me and pull me close to him. I felt his body behind mine and he was crazy hot. Now I don't mean good looks hot I mean temperature hot. I tried pulling away, but he was too strong even in his sleep. I sighed and stayed still for a moment trying to think of a way I could get out of this.

"Pauly, wakey wakey, Carsons' stuckey." I said laughing at myself. This didn't do anything.

"Paul something something, you wake your ass up right this minute." I said sternly. He just pulled me closer to him.

"Carson." I heard my name mumbled. I thought it was my imagination at first, but then he said it again and I froze. I turned toward Paul to see that he was still sleeping and he was mumbling words in his sleep.

My name was the only one that I could make out clearly though. I sighed to myself. Just as I was about to scream to wake him up, he woke up. I stayed perfectly still as he woke up. He got out of bed, and made his way to the bathroom. I slowly and quietly got out of his bed and made my way to his living room. Once I had settled myself on his couch I couldn't help but start laughing at how he didn't even notice me in his bed. My laughing, was of course, interrupted by Paul.

"Carson what are you doing here?"

"Aw, Pauly, I missed you! I haven't annoyed you in weeks." I said with a pout. He shook his head and made his way to the kitchen.

"How long have you been here?!" He yelled from the kitchen.

"I don't know really." I looked around for a clock, but I couldn't spot one.

"Well now that you have been here, will you leave?"

"Nope, I haven't annoyed you yet Pauly."

"You just calling me Pauly is annoying enough." He said as he entered the living room again.

"Pauly, do you have plans tonight?" He shook his head no.

"Good be ready by 7:30." I got up and left. I had a plan for tonight.