
Night Out With Pauly

Paul's P.O.V

I went to the door after I heard the knocking. I opened it to find Carson standing there. She walked right in and turned and looked at me.

"Perfect I'm gonna use the bathroom real quick then we can go." She went down the hallway towards the bathroom. Against my better judgment I got ready just like she had told me too. I had no idea where she was taking me, so I just threw on whatever I could find. I guess it was "perfect" by what she had said. She came back minutes later, and headed for the door. I followed her out the door and to her car.

"Where are we going?" I asked once we had got in her car.

"To the beach!" You could hear excitement in her voice.

"No thanks." I was starting to leave the vehicle when she locked all the car doors, and sped out onto the street.

"You're going." She gave me a small wink. I could see a gleam in her eyes, and I didn't know if I should be scared of it or not.

It took about 15 minutes to get from my house to the beach. She parked her car in the lot, and proceeded to exit it. I followed her out to a spot on the beach. She dumped all her things on the sandy floor, and began to scrounge in her bag for something. I just stood there awkwardly with my arms crossed over my chest. Minutes later she found what she had been looking for with a loud "AHA". She threw the item at me. I caught it and looked it over. It was a pair of my swimming trunks. I looked back up her questioningly.

"I grabbed them on my way back from the bathroom." She said with a shrug.

She began to take her clothes off. Under her clothes she revealed a nice bikini. She ran to the water, and I took that as my cue to put on the swimming trunks. I slipped on the trunks and slowly made my way to the water that I had seen Carson enter moments ago. I made my way into the water. Unlike Carson I didn't run and jump. I was surprised that she entered the water so eagerly since the last time she had been in the water she had fallen from a cliff and been knocked unconscious.

I looked out into the ocean and watched the waves. I sighed to myself. Staying away from Carson had been harder than I thought it would be. The sun was starting to go down, and in a few hours it would be dark. I wasn't paying attention to anything, but my own thoughts. I guess that's why I didn't notice that I hadn't seen Carson since she entered the water. I was going farther in the water, when something grabbed me and dragged me all the way down under the water. I kicked my legs and swam back to the surface. I gave a couple coughs, and turned around to the laughing that I heard. It was Carson.

"Dammit Carson, don't do that." She stopped laughing, and swam over to me. She locked her arms around my neck, and her legs around my waist. She looked at me with big eyes, and began talking.

"Aw, I'm sorry Pauly. Forgive me pwease." I shook my head, and tried pushing her off me. But this girl was strong, and it took everything for me to get her off. Which was weird, because I had to use my wolf strength to get her off.

"Whatever." Was all I said to her apology. I swam back to the beach, and sat down where the tidal waves could reach me. I watched as Carson broke the surface of the water then made her way to me. She came and sat beside me, and we sat there in silence.

"If it makes any difference I really am sorry. It was just meant as a joke." I sighed, and couldn't help but give a small smile.

"It's okay Carson."

"Good." She said. She rested her head on my shoulder. This girl was brave I'll give her that.

"Why did you drag me out here?"

"Because, Pauly I haven't annoyed you in weeks, and I wanted to spend tonight with you. It kind of feels like you have been avoiding me these past few weeks." I have. I thought to myself, but I didn't say this out loud.

"You're blunt." She gave me a small laugh.

"Yeah I think you've told me that before."

"Well what else did you have planned for tonight?"

"You'll just have to wait and see." From my peripheral vision I could see her give a sly smile. She got up, looked down to me and stretched out her hand. I grabbed her hand, and she pulled me up all on her own. This girl's strength was really starting to impress me.

"Time for the next place. Hurry up and go get your clothes back on." i shook my head at her. I made my way back to our spot on the beach at my own pace.

By the time I was all ready Carson was already in her car. She honked her horn a couple times, and each time she did I said a couple obscenities under my breath. I finally got in the car. I knew she wouldn't tell me where we were going to go next, so I just sat back and relaxed. It was probably about an hour before I felt the car come to a stop. I looked out the windows, to see a big tent with bright lights, loud music, and lots of people coming from it.

"Carson what is this?"

"It's this special dancing club that I heard about. I wanted to come so badly, but I didn't have anyone to go with. Of course I guess I could have just asked anyone." She said that last part more quietly to herself.

"Anyways I thought I might as well drag you out here with me, but I'm sure that you'll have a good time. You're with me how could you not?" She winked and started laughing as she exited the car. Cocky little girl, I thought to myself.

I exited the car, and waited for Carson to come around, so she could lead the way to inside the tent. She came around and grabbed my hand, practically dragging me all the way to the tent. We had to pay a small entree fee, and then were allowed inside the huge tent. It was very bright inside the huge tent. It was mostly filled with people dancing, but off to the sides you could see a bar, and a few tables. I saw a whole side of the tent open on the other end. It looked like there was a platform right outside it and people were dancing on it too. Just a big dance club. I thought myself.

"C'mon Pauly let's dance!" Carson yelled over the music. I let her drag me to the dance floor.

We danced for a little while, and I felt a little awkward, since I was like the biggest dude there. Carson had her hands all over me, and every time she put her hands in a new spot, the spot she had just left still felt tingly. I felt another pair of hands on me other than Carson's. I looked behind me to see a petite blond. She came around me and got in between Carson and I. I could practically see Carson's face go as red as a tomato. I didn't know what to do, so I kind of just stood there awkwardly. Then I could feel another pair of hands on me. I was getting tired of this. I turned again, but I saw that it was Carson. She came around me and got in between me and the blond. She practically butt-butted the blond out of the way. I couldn't help but laugh at the site.

"C'mon Pauly it's a little too crowded in here." She was pointing her words toward the blond.

She dragged me out to the dance platform I had seen when we first arrived. The songs started becoming slower as the club was coming to it's closing time. Carson wrapped her arms around my neck, and I couldn't help, but wrap my arms around her waist. We just kind of swayed there for a couple minutes.

When the club was finally closed, we pulled away from each other and we made our way back to her car. She drove me home, and when we got there she walked me to my door. I kind of felt like everything had been in reverse tonight. I felt like I was the chick, and she was the dude. Which was completely off comparing our statures. We reached my front door, and I went to open my front door, but Carson stopped me.

"What you're not even gonna try and make a move?" She said while grabbing my arm.


"Well then I guess I will." She said then her lips were on mine.

I didn't even know how to describe the kiss it was amazing and erotic. It wasn't one of those short peck kisses couples start with, no, it was long and passionate. Our mouths seem to fit together just perfectly and her lips were so soft. Her hands had found there way to my hair and I was in such an awkward with the height difference that I just lifted her up. She wrapped her legs around me and I had her up against the side of the house. I wanted so much more of her, but I couldn't bring myself to go any further. So I slowly pulled away from her and sat her back on her own two feet. I was somewhat breathless. It was silent between us and we both nonchalantly tried to regain composer.

I was the first to regain myself and I knew that if we stood together much longer I wouldn't be able to stop myself next time, and I would take her inside and do everything and anything I could for us to be closer in every possible way. So I said my goodbyes and headed inside. I made sure she got into her car and was on the road before I fully shut my door and went to bed.