Status: Updated daily. If not, then every other day.

You're a Cheap Little ***

I always found myself loving him even more.

The night outside was beautiful. The moon outside was high up in the sky shinning ever so bright. This was the nicest I've ever seen in a long time and I really liked that.

I sat outside on the porch reading. This is where I usually came to read because it was peaceful. My roommate Addison and her boyfriend Jordan, were always so loud and would never let me read in peace.

I could hear her and Jordan laughing and screaming, something they did a lot. The door opened and Jordan and Addison sat on both sides of me.

"Come inside, it's almost midnight." Addison said.

I shook my head. Jordan got up and pulled me to my feet.

"Hurry up and get your ass inside. Someone will just take you and then what are you gonna do, hm?" he asked.

"Like that will ever happen. you watch too much TV, Jordan. Lay off it for a while."

He rolled his eyes. "And you don't watch enough. I'll see you inside Addi."

Jordan walked inside, leaving the two of us alone. Addison grabbed the book from my hands and sat on it.

"If you wreck that, you're buying me a new one."

"All you do is read, read, read, and write, write, write. You need to get out of the house more. I'm starting to worry about you."

"There's no reason to worry." I replied. "Now can I have my book back please?"

She handed it to me and walked inside. Maybe she was right, maybe I did need to get out more. If it was gonna make her feel any better and stop worrying, then I'd go out on the weekend.

But Ricky wouldn't be to happy if he knew I went out. The last time I went out he didn't talk to me for three days. He didn't like it when I went out and drank, there has been times when he wouldn't let me. Some people would think that's kind of controlling but it was fine by me.

Ricky and I met two years ago. At first I didn't really like him because he was really shy, but now I love that man to death. It was back in that same coffee shop is when I first saw him. Ever since then, things have been great. Ricky and I of course had our fights and threatened to break up with each other. We never could though. I always found myself loving him even more. Now I wondered how Ricky was gonna take the news about my plans for the weekend.
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But this is for my friend Jen :) Hope you like it.