Status: Updated daily. If not, then every other day.

You're a Cheap Little ***

Life was great right now.

Addison and Jordan were already sleeping and I had no idea how Addie could sleep with that guys snoring. They were at the other end of the house and I could still here him. I gave props to the girl, at least she found someone that loved her for her, unlike her last boyfriend Devon.

I looked at the time, 3:32. I still wasn't tired, not one bit. Usually when I was with Ricky I'd be in bed by 11. Him and his band were away on tour and have been for the past 3 months. I counted down the days for Ricky's return and that was supposed to be in three more days. Just thinking about him being back here gave me butterflies.

I flipped through the channels and stopped on some investigation show about aliens or something like that. I looked around the room and closed all the curtains that were left open. Aliens were something that scared the shit out of me but I wanted to watch this.

Once I got into a comfy position, I heard a bang in the kitchen and changed the channel. There was no way in hell I was watching this anymore. I poked my head into the kitchen hoping I wouldn't see anything and to my luck, I didn't. Now was probably a good time to go to bed but I'd just leave the TV on, I didn't want to walk down the hall when it was dark.

I sat on my bed and my phone buzzed. It was a call from the boy.


"It's so good to hear your voice babe. I miss you so fucking much, go on Skype."

I smiled to myself. "I miss you too. And I'll be on in a sec."

I opened up my laptop and turned it on but I was in need of a new one because this laptop was really stupid now. It took forever to load up and when it finally did I logged onto Skype and connected to Ricky's. There on the other screen was the love of my life, Ricky Olson.

"Hey, I miss you a lot."

"I really miss you too and I can not wait for you to come home. The bed has been lonely without you."

Ricky laughed. "Just three more days to go but I got you something in Seattle the other day and you will die when you see this."

Ricky and I began talking for what seemed like hours and I could hear the other guys laughing and talking. Every once in a while one of the guys would interrupt me and Ricky's little 'internet date.' That's the only way I can put this.

"I'm actually getting tired. I'll talk to you later, babe."

"Okay but before you go I need to tell you something."

"You're not pregnant, are you?"

"God no. But this weekend, I'm gonna go out. With Addison and Jordan that is." I said, hoping he wouldn't get mad. "I'll be with people you trust so there's no need to worry."

Ricky didn't say anything and I knew he was upset. I probably shouldn't have said anything but then again, I didn't like lying to him. It wasn't right for me to just sneak around when he was on tour, I planned on staying faithful to Ricky.

"It's fine but I'm gonna come out with you. I'll be back before the weekend and I want to spend some time with my girlfriend."

I smiled. "Thank you. I'll let you get some sleep now. Night and love you."

I turned off the computer and laid down. Now I could NOT wait until Ricky got home. Ricky wasn't the type of guy to go out to clubs and he didn't even drink but I was very excited for this weekend to come.

Three Days Later

Addison and Jordan were out on their so called date night and I sat in my room, waiting for Ricky to come back. I was really impatient and I every 5 minutes I'd check out the window watching for Ricky to walk by.

"Anyone home?" It was Ricky.

I jumped up off the bed and ran into the living room and jumped on Ricky.

"It's about fucking time you got here." I said and Ricky closed the door.

"You have no idea how much I wanted the tour to end." Ricky said.

I got off Ricky and we both went into our room and I was just really happy that he was finally back. I sat on the bed and Ricky sat down next to me, the only that was on my mind was Ricky. Life was great right now.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hope your happy with this chapter Jen :)

You guys should go check out her stories. You'll love them because I love her stories.

Oh and you guys should also check out my newest story here.