Status: Updated daily. If not, then every other day.

You're a Cheap Little ***

Oh great.

It's about time we all go out together. I was getting pretty bored with just me and Jordan going out and I'm glad we're all going out together. Oh and you should have heard her, Ricky. She wouldn't shut up about you, every day she'd mope around about you." Addison said.

I rolled my eyes and walked out the door, Ricky interlacing our fingers. This was something I missed well always missed when he was on tour.

"You'd probably cry if Jordan was gone as long as Ricky`s gone. Plus, I`m used to Ricky being gone for long periods of time."

I felt Ricky's grip loosen and I looked up at him, sure looked like he wasn't happy that i said that. I knew he didn't like to leave me behind and there were times when he though the band got in the way of our relationship but that wasn't true at all. I knew what I was getting myself into when we first started seeing each other.

"Where is Jordan anyways? Feels like it's been three months since I've seen the guy." Ricky asked.

Addison looked up at him. "Probably because it has been three months."

We all laughed.

"And since when did you start going out?" she asked.

"Since I wanted to spend time with my girlfriend. Why's that such a shock to you?" he asked.

"Oh I don't know, BECAUSE YOU NEVER GO OUT!" she practically screamed in my ears.

We continued walking and of course Addison and Ricky would get into arguments over the dumbest things in the world. I didn't like to get involved so I just stayed out of there little chit chat. It was times like this when I wished Addison didn't get her car towed, we'd probably be there by now and to make matters worse, it was fucking freezing out.

"When you do get your car out, don't be a dumb ass and go a million miles per hour. It's not good." I said.

"Hey, I only went ten over the speed limit. That cop was a complete ass hole. I swear if he ever pulls me over again, I'm grabbing his gun and shooting him." Addison said.

Ricky chuckled. "I'd like to see that happen."

She playfully punched his shoulder. This place we were going to was only a couple of blocks away and I could see the place, a whole lot of cars parked. I could hear Addison talking about all the things she wanted to do.

"Hurry up and get inside. It's cold out."

We all ran and when we got in the place, it smelled of alcohol and sweat. Oh how I've missed this but I did feel kind of bad for Ricky because he didn't drink and you could totally see it on his face, he was uncomfortable.

"Let's go sit in the back!" Addison yelled over the music.

Ricky and I followed her and sat down at a booth in the back. We sat there for a couple of seconds and Jordan finally joined us.

"It's good to see you man!"

"Great to see you too! Finally finished your sleeve, nice!"

I looked down at Jordan's arm and smiled, it was about time that boy finished his sleeve although they didn't really have a meaning. Just a lot of dead shit on his arm that had no meaning whatsoever.


Addison and Jordan were full on drunk and I was the only one that was sober, Ricky was even drinking and this was a shock for me. He was always against drinking but now he actually was drinking, alcohol. I wouldn't say he was drunk but a tipsy, he seemed so happy.

"Have a drink, Jenn. You'll feel a lot better!"

"Just one. And are you expecting anyone? You've been looking around all night."

"No, no- wait! I'll be right back!"

I watched him head to the door but disappeared into the crowd. Great. I was just ditched by Addie, Jordan, and now my boyfriend. I just wanted this night to be done so I could spend some time alone with my boyfriend.

"Jenn! This is my friend Carley! Carley, this is my girlfriend Jenn! Befriend each other! I'm gonna go talk to Jordan!"

She sat done across from me and smiled.

"Ricky's told me a lot about you. You're a lot more pretty in person." she said.

"Oh thank you. How do you know Ricky?" I asked.

"That's a looong story. I'm sure you don't want to hear about it though."

"Don't worry, I have all the time in the world." I smiled.

"Well okay. Back in high school Ricky and I were together for almost all of Jr and Sr high. He's the greatest but when he was asked to play bass for his band, we ended it. I couldn't handle him moving cross the country. I shortened it up for ya." she smiled.

This was Ricky's ex he was always talking about? Oh great.
♠ ♠ ♠
Finally an update :D

Ooooooo! Ricky's ex!
