‹ Prequel: Lots of Love, Mike

Faithfully Yours

Its Over

Tre was in the shower. He was fucked off. He’d read the part of that note that Stella had written and realised that she’d been playing him for a fool all along. What the fuck did she take him for? How could she do this to him after all they’d been through? All those years of wanting her to finally realise that she’d wanted him too and now this he thought as he lathered up his hair vigorously.

He’d avoided her all day, he couldn’t even bear to look at her so he’d gone off to the golf club, once more to be alone and to try and work out what he was going to do with the situation. The words from the letter buzzing around like an unwanted fly in his head.

I’ve been thinking about you all the time.

Lots of love always,

Stella x

Thinking about who? Who? Was it Mike? Who else could it be?

He could hear Stella on the telephone downstairs to someone, he could hear her voice but he couldn’t work out what she was saying so he decided to go and listen.


“I’m so glad you came to that decision Adrienne. Of course I won’t say anything to Billie, I’ll leave that for you to do. He’ll be pleased Adrienne, I know he will. I can’t wait to see you. Of course, it will be our little secret,” she said then put the phone back into its cradle.

She didn’t realise that Tre had been standing in the doorway, standing there listening to her conversation but he hadn’t heard the first part, only the last.

I can’t wait to see you. Of course, it will be our little secret.

She didn’t hear him as he angrily left the study doorway. As he entered the hall the front door opened and Ryan was standing there having let himself in. Stella did hear what Tre said next though, for what he said was so loud she was sure that the whole neighbourhood had heard it.


Ryan hated him all of a sudden, Tre had changed towards him, he was sure it was ever since little Jessica was born, he was sure that was when it was. He, Ryan was his stepchild, not his real child and boy, didn’t he know it.


Tre was getting dressed when Stella came into the room.

“What is wrong with you Tre? Why were you shouting at Ryan like that? He’d already texted me a message to say that he was going to be late and would it be OK. You were out when he did that and you haven’t even spoken to me. You come home, you haven’t eaten anything. What’s wrong? Are you ill?” she said. Tre had come home in a foul mood from the golf club, this was happening frequently lately and she was concerned for him. She hoped he was OK, may be the time she had spent worrying about others; worrying about Adrienne and Billie she’d been neglecting him slightly. She went to him and put her hand on his shoulder as he sat on the bed. He brushed her off and this shocked her.

“Nothings worrying me Stella, nothing at all,” he said. Other than the fact that you are probably fucking my friend right under my nose. May be you should have got with him after all instead of me. May be its Mike’s turn now well, you’re welcome to him.

“Listen, Mom called, Dad’s a little unwell so I’m going to drive up there to see if they’re OK. I may stay over,” he said. He couldn’t look at Stella, he loved her so much and he was sure she was cheating on him, sure of it and he didn’t want to look into her eyes, eyes that some other guy was looking into while he fucked her.

The other guy probably being Mike.

“Give them our love won’t you,” said Stella watching Tre as he left the bedroom. She knew she wouldn’t go after him, she’d seen Tre in these slight moods before and when he was in them he was best left alone.


See. She hasn’t even bothered to come after me, hasn’t even come to kiss me goodbye or wave me off.

She can’t love me anymore.

She can go to hell.

But Tre was confused because he still desperately loved his Stella but there was no way that he could be with her if her feelings had changed and she’d been with someone else, even if that someone else was a mistake and a one off. He couldn’t be with her even then.

It was over.