Status: For a contest.

Every Single Breath.

Your eyes tell me something

She walked up the familiar snow covered pathway to the house she had at one point share with him. She had her hands wrapped tightly around his denim jacket she found at the bottom of one the boxes of stuff she packed up when she moved out. For the first day after she found it she walked around her parent’s house wearing his jacket. It reminded her of all the good times she had with him.

She stared long and hard at the familiar white door gnawing on her bottom lip. She was starting to think that this was a really bad idea. She hadn’t seen him since he had gotten back from tour. She had all her stuff moved out by the time he got home. She finally got enough courage and knocked on the door.

She was about to run when he opened the door. “Annamarie.” He said starting straight into her green eyes. “Hi Chris.” She said biting her bottom lip again. As she stared into his blue eyes she started to go weak in the knees.

“Do you want to come in?” He asked leaning against the door frame. He didn’t know if she was going to say yes or no, but he sure wanted her to come inside. Just the sight of her made him realize just how much he missed her.

“Yes please.” She said softly walking towards him. He moved aside as she walked into the house slowly. “Would you like to take your jacket off?” He asked while shutting the front door. “Yeah.” She said lying his denim jacket down on the back of the couch. He carefully observed her as she took her jacket off.

“Oh by the way this is yours.” She said awkwardly handing him his jacket. “Thanks.” He said taking the jacket. “Did you drive all this way just to give me my jacket?” He asked laying the jacket back on the couch.

“Yeah.” She lied looking at the ground. She honestly came over because she missed seeing him. She hadn’t seen him since they broke up over three months ago and she truly missed him. “You know you could have kept it?” He said walking around to the other side of the couch.

“No I couldn’t have this is your favorite jacket.” She smiled. “It always looked better on you love.” He said sitting down. “That’s because most of the time I wore it walking around the house in one of your shirts and my undies.” She smiled just thinking about. “I always loved that look on.” He laughed.

“You know this house is lonely without you.” He said as she sat down on the couch next to him. “Now you know how I felt when you were on tour.” She always hated being alone in there house when he was gone. A lot of the time she would have friends sleep over so she didn’t have to be alone.

“I’m sorry I left you alone so often.” He said placing his hand on jean covered thigh. “I knew what I was getting into when we started dating.” She said making him a little bit better about how often he was gone.

“How was tour this time?” She asked placing her hand on top of his. “It sucked knowing that I didn’t have anything to come home to.” Chris said staring straight into her eyes letting her know that he wasn’t lying. “It sucked not looking forward to seeing you.”

“So why did you really come over here?” He asked knowing that she didn’t drive all this way just to give him back his jacket. “To give you back your jacket.” She lied again.

“You’re not mental. I know how much you hate driving in the snow. If you wanted to give me back my jacket you would have waited till it wasn’t snowing as hard to bring it over.” He said calling her out.

“I need to go.” She said standing up and rushing over to the front door. “Are you really running?” He asked following her.
“I can’t talk about my feelings with you right now.” She said grabbing her coat and rushing the front door. He grabbed his jacked she dropped off and took off running after her.

She ran her fingers through her dark hair as she rushed out to her car. She heard Chris right behind her so she sped up trying to get away from him. She thought she was stronger then she was. She realized what a bad idea this was when she realized she was still madly in love with Chris while sitting on the couch next to him.

She got in her car and slammed the door shut and before she could lock the doors preventing Chris from getting in the car. He had the passenger door open. “Now if you’re done running love can we please talk?” He asked pretty calm for the fact that he had just chased Annamarie out to her car.

“Were not talking, and you’re not getting out of my car.” She said starting the car. “I’m not going anywhere.” He said bluntly.

“Just get out of the car so I can leave.” He said annoyed as tears started welling up in her green eyes. “Take me where you want to go, because I’m not going anywhere till we talk.”

She didn’t even feel like fighting him anymore she just started driving. She didn’t know where she was driving, she just need to drive.

They drove for about twenty minutes in complete silence down a snow covered highway that had no cars other then theirs. She had her eyes complete focused on the road refusing to look at him. When she heard her car let out a ding she knew exactly what that meant and then her car started to slow down. She pulled her car off to side of the road, and let out a loud sigh smacking her hands against the steering wheel. “Bloody fucking hell.” She shouted.

“I take it we ran out of gas.” He said staring at her. He knew that was exactly what happened based on her reaction. “Yes we ran out of gas.” She snapped at him.

“So can we talk now?” He asked unbuckling his seat belt.

“I’m going to walk to a gas station.” He said unbuckling her seatbelt and getting out the car. She would rather freeze to death walking then be stuck in a car with him. “Are you completely mental? Get back in the car before you freeze to death.” He said getting out of the car.

“If I don’t walk to get gas we’re going to be stuck here forever.” She said walking back towards the car. “I’ll text Matt and tell him to bring us some gas.” He said giving her a look that said get back in the car.

“Fine.” She said getting back in the car.

They sat in silence for about five minutes before Chris broke the silence.” I hope you know I still love and I miss you.”

“I love you too.” She said looking at the window. “I know the distance is what killed us, but I want you back.” He said grabbing her hand.

“I miss you way too much when you’re gone, and I miss you so much now.” She said as tears started welling up in her green eyes.

“You know before we broke up I planned on asking you to marry me.” He said staring at her as she finally turned to face him. “Are you serious?” He asked shocked by the fact he just admit he wanted to marry her.

“Yeah I really can’t see spending my life with anyone but you.” He said as he started to biting his bottom lip lightly.

“Even after the stupid fights we have and me moving out, you still could see yourself marrying me?” She questioned him.

“Yeah I do love.” He said pushing a strand of stray hair behind her ear. “I’ll love you forever, even if you don’t love me anymore.” He smiled. “I’ll always love you too.” She said leaning her head against his shoulder.

“Would you ever consider taking me back?” He asked almost scared to hear her answer. “I want you back.” She said as a tear slid down her cheek.

He moved his hands and cupped her face staring into her green eyes with his blue ones as she wiped the tear off her cheek. He hesitated for a moment before he slowly and gently pressed his lips to hers. She wasted no time deepening the kiss and tangling her fingers in hair. She missed everything about him and she was glad to finally have him back.
“Are we good?” He asked resting his forehead against hers. “Yeah were good. Can I move back in?” She asked closing her eyes.

“I was hoping you would.” He said lacing his fingers with hers.
♠ ♠ ♠
So I don't know this turned out different then I though it would. I got the story title, lyrics, and chapter title from Hey Monday's Fall Into Me. I hope you like it. I'm sorry if there a lot of errors.