Soon My Friend

Log 7 - Astonishment

"Uh, sir, what do we do?" Zack asked toward the mirror in panic.

"Lock the door and keep the soldier inside. I'm coming in," the muffled voice from the mirror spoke.

A door from a couple feet away slammed shut. It was probably the room behind the mirror. Footsteps were heard coming from outside.

A knock on the door was heard, "It's me let me in."

They let the man in, he was a tall old man, white hair slicked back, and a navy suit. This man was well in his 50s.

He closed the door and in the most serious voice said. "Nothing, and I mean absolutely nothing leave this room,"

He looked at me as I put the chair back down.

"It's truly amazing how all this time we had an alien living with us," his excitement got the best of him for a minute.

"We need to run blood tests, tissue samples, and we need your DNA!" he spoke.

I took a few steps back.

"Whoa, whoa I'm only in this planet to fulfill my journey and that's not gonna happen. You have to help me get on that shuttle and on to Mars,"

His face had become some what disappointed.

"Okay then, what is it that you want?"

Pacing myself back and forth. I thought of the things that were needed.

"First, I need training in equipment, secondly if I go its gonna be only me,"

The old gentleman took a minute to think, "I can give you those requests except going at it alone. You're too valuable for anything to happen to you. And we need experienced pros to look after you,"

I nodded in agreement, "Fair enough. Now I hope we can get this started as soon as possible. But first I need to get my belongings from my jail cell,"

I was escorted out by the same soldier that escorted me in. Only this time he kept his distance. I entered the building in which my cell was in.

Cleaning it out my cell, I started to hear a maniacal laughter coming from the cell parallel to mine.

"I know your secret, Atlas. And I plan on telling the whole world."