
Chapter One

It was all over the news. Someone shot a band member that was performing at the local stadium tonight. His name was Jake and he played for one of the best bands of all times. Nobody thought it was true until they seen a stretcher being pulled into an ambulance. Then the next thing would shock a nation, a town and worst of all someones parents.

There was a young man around the age 25 in handcuffs surrounded by the police. They were trying to make their way through a mob of outraged fans to their cruiser.

"Hunny! You need to come see this right now" I heard my dad yell out to my mom from upstairs.

"WHAT?! What is this? Why is Jason getting arrested on the news?" I heard my mom begin to sob then I ran downstairs to see what the fuss was all about.

"Our son shot Jake" my dad said to her as he wrapped his arms around her shaking shoulders.

"What?" I yelled out to nobody in particular. I just needed to hear my voice to make sure I was still alive. I sat on the couch and watched the news to see exactly what was going on with Jake and what had just happened.

" It is the news that will shock the nation. Jason had just been shot by a fan of his and is now being rushed to the hospital the shooter is in police custody right now. We will have an update for you all very soon "

The TV showed the crowd of people around the entrance of the stadium. People were huddled together crying, some people were yelling obscenities and others were looking around wondering what to do.

Just then the phone rang.

"Hello" my dad said as he answered the phone.

"Loose my number! Never call here again!" he slammed the phone down.

"Who was that?" I asked.

"I think it was one of your brothers friends. He said, well never mind what he said. Go lock the door OK? I have a feeling we are going to be getting a lot of angry phone calls tonight and it's better to be on the safe side." dad answered my question as his eyes welled up with tears.

"What?" mom looked over at dad and they started whispering as they walked into the dining room.

The phone was ringing again. "Hello?" I answered.

"Hello is mister or misses Francis there? This is the New York police and we need to talk to the parents of Jake." the voice responded with a hint of aggravation in his voice.

"Umm just a second. I'll get them" I handed my phone to my dad and told him it was the police.

i walked over to watch the news some more. I was amazed by how many people were still standing in front of the stadium. I was horrified when my brothers picture popped up on screen. " The person that shot Jason was a 25 year old named Jake Francis. Hundreds of fans have gathered in front of the stadium to show there respects to the now deceased Jason. We'll have an update for you guys shortly."

As the news showed the fans in front of the building again there was a loud knock on the door. My dad went over to answer it followed by my mom then me. There was a group of police officers that came in when my dad opened the door. He led them all downstairs as he was saying " This is where Jake stays most of the time, in his room. You guys are more then welcome to take a look around."

There was no denying that my brother shot Jason. It was all over the news.

An officer approached me and started asking me all these questions about Jake. I looked over to the dining room and could see that a different officer was questioning my parents. I just stood there answering his questions and nodding my head yes or no.

A police officer came upstairs and started talking to my parents. He had a paper in a bag and he was reading it to them. I walked over so I could hear everything he was saying.

"Again, I'd like to say that I am sorry for what I have done. If your reading this letter then you must know by now. I had to shoot him, I had to kill Jason. He let thousands of people down and he had to be killed. He was going to break up the greatest band in the world. I looked up to him for so long. He was my salvation when my mind was at war. He was the passion in my life, how could he blow it all away. He was with me in my dreams and I knew I had to kill him. I seen myself kill him so many times in my dreams. I had so much faith in him, there was only one thing left to do. I could feel a burning anger inside, it was as hot as the rising sun. I wanted it to go away and the only thing that would take that away is the death of Jason. I know after the concert tonight all his power will crumble because of what I have in my arms. So, don't worry about me. I know I will be fine. My life will end when I go to prison. All that will be left of me is the scar I leave in this world."

We all stood in shock when the officer had finished reading the note.