Blood Will Have Blood

Don't Trust That Girl

Cassie's POV

"Oh not again," groaned Carolyn. "How many times have I asked you not to kill my food Gabs? How freakin many?"

Gabs looked up and smiled impishly at us. "He was so cute," she giggled. "Sorry."

Carolyn's eyes flashed darkly, "I'm just gonna have to take yours," she smirked. She walked back into the club, her long brown hair swishing, leaving us in the alley. I held back my laughter as Gabrielle stood up, the man she was once feeding off of slumped to the ground. She smacked her lips and stretched, making a face at Carolyn's back. Beside me, Stacia started cracking up.

"You know she's gonna get two just to piss you off?"

"I don't care," Gabrielle sniffed. "The most is five at a time," I smiled at that. My record.

"Don't we have that meeting anyways?" Stacia smirked, making me smirk. "I mean, she won't have enough-"

The side door swung open, and Carolyn stumbled out and wore her shit-eating grin. "Bathroom," she shrugged, making us all roar in laughter.

"Good," I smirked. "We got a meeting with our favorite guys tonight."

Gabrielle twirled her red hair between her fingers, frowning slightly. "My Chemical Romance?"

Stacia rolled her eyes as I shook my head.

Gabrielle wasn't the...brightest girl in our gang, but she had a killer instinct I haven't seen since the Plague. Meanwhile Stacia...well let's just say her knack at faking her death has gained her more enemies than friends. Her attitude definitely didn't help it.

"The Sevenfold boys," Carolyn spat. "You space cadet," she grinned.

Carolyn's bi-polar. She could like you one minute and then rip your lungs out the next. The night she was turned, she killed her sire and then proceeded to kill almost the entire bar I was working that night.

We were known as the Heathers, yes, after that damned movie-Gabrielle and Stacia saw it and insisted that it was bad ass. Before I could stop it, the name spread like wildfire.

"Can we just go and meet these bitches?" Stacia pouted. "I just want to get it over with."

We all started walking as she started complaining about how I wouldn't let her go to the meetings.

"I mean seriously Cassie, I faked it two years ago! I wanna see the new kid....please?" she grinned, irritating me.


"You're not missing much," Carolyn interjected, "you got Vengeance who is just an idiot trapped in a killer's body,"

"Then Shadows," I rolled my eyes. "The meat head who faithfully makes me consider exterminating all men and Synyster, who just irks the crap out of me."

"I kinda like the Rev," Gabrielle's green eyes crackled wickedly. "When he's quiet and not threatening me with a broken glass."
We were outside the city within minutes, and I told Stacia to shove off.

"You could be nice about it," she snapped before she vanished into the trees.

We were quiet for a few minutes before Carolyn looked up at the sky and frowned, muttering, "Late ass motherfuckers."

"I'd be careful with that tongue of yours, Duke," a harsh voice growled, making us turn around.

Five grown men with fangs. Hot, but so so annoying.

"Why?" Carolyn leaned against the tree behind her. "Jealous you haven't had a taste?"

I smirked and looked over the new kid.

Short, confident, yet a little scared.

Just how I liked them.

"Nice cub scout," I breezily said to Synsyter, whose fedora was propped so you couldn't see his eyes. "Where did you get him? The YMCA?"

New guy smirked and replied, "Better than the streets, " he said, making my eyes flash. Gabrielle grinned and asked him if he knew why the sky was blue.


<I really want to know!>

New kid said he didn't know, causing her to frown. Seconds later, I was holding her back from lashing out. The guys stayed there, as if this was normal. Which it wasn't.

That's what happens when you associate with only killers.

"What do you want?" Carolyn yawned, which I noticed made Shadow's cheek twitch a little.

<You lot know I'm bored but you want to prolong the meeting?! Get on with it!>

"A warning," Synster said softly, knowing we'd pick up on it. "Next time you interfere with our affairs, you will not like it."

All of us girls rolled our eyes on this one.

<I'm going to kick his fedora-wearing, gangsta wannabe ass. I'm here with a branch up my butt for THAT?! It was a damn frat party! I couldn't resist!>

<Not if I get to him first.>

<Well, that was a waste of my immortal life anyways.>

"Message received," I waved my hand. "Anything else?"

Vengeance nodded, "New players coming into town."

I frowned. I heard about it, but when the Sevenfold brings it up-it's serious.

HB was my playground and the only people who could fuck with me were them. And I despised them as it was.


"Ancients. Pissed." Shadows shrugged. Carolyn looked at me darkly before inserting, "My, aren't you eloquent." Me and Gabrielle snorted.

"Pissed off ancients are nothing to be lax about ladies," Synyster snapped. "They often leave a body count big enough to make your deceased grandmothers pray."

I snorted. "Your deceased grandmother, you mean."

I was old, but with age comes experience.

Remember that.

"Besides," I added,"you were supposed to handle this. Why am I hearing about it?"

"We're busy too, Chandler," Vengeance snapped.

I raised my eyebrows.

Never send a man to do a woman's job.

They just get pissy and careless.

"Fine," Carolyn snapped. "Since you're busy, we'll handle this ourselves. But don't get mad if we...accidentally give them a piece of your territory. Like I dunno, the one we were standing in?"

All of their eyes turned dark red. "You wouldn't," Shadows warned.

I laughed, "Oh watch us. You think we're gonna do all the work and you get the glory?" I stopped laughing and made sure my fangs showed. "Right. Remember who exactly you're dealing with." I sneered.

"Boys," Carolyn shrugged, biting her lip.

"So yummy, yet so...."Gabrielle cocked her head to the side sexily. "What is it?" she looked at me expectantly.

"Used," I smirked, keeping my eyes on them the entire time. Shadows looked ready to pounce.

"Washed up."

Vengeance and the cub scout's fists twitched.

"Useless," added Carolyn.

Rev's eyes flashed black as he tried to keep back his growls.

I smiled before looking at Synyster.


He was the only one composed. Amused, I shook my head as I snapped my fingers. I will get him sooner or later, even if it kills me.

"Come on girls. We have some fun to get to."

The truth was, we didn't. Until we later saw her leaning up against the bar, knocking back shots. She was hungry. For what remained to be seen, but she did catch my interest.

<Carolyn, look at what we got here.>

Carolyn's eyes flickered towards her and the smirk answered my question. I stood up, noticing all the attention on me, not caring one bit. I wanted her-I wanted to feel her blood sliding down my throat as her heart stopped those painful steps of life. I wanted her to open her eyes with anger and be unstoppable.

I wanted her to rip open the cub scout's heart and eat it. I wanted her to enjoy it.

Hell, I'd enjoy it.

It was time to add a new member to the fold, but I had to see if she could keep up.

I did have my reputation on the line.

Her violet eyes surveyed me quizzically as I sat next to her. She had beautiful brown skin, but an air of sauciness about her.

"You want something?" she raised her eyebrow.

I grinned and looked back at the girls. Gabrielle was chatting up her newest victim while Carolyn and Stacia were arguing who could win in a fight against Shadows. I glanced at her, before introducing myself.

"I'm Cassie. You want to hang out with us?" jerking my head to in the direction of the girls.

I knew the answer-it was always the same one.

"Sure," she smirked back. She shrugged. "Natalia."

~*I mean, what the hell do I have to lose?~*

Not much, I thought as she and I made our way back to the table.

But the gains made it a hell of a ride.

Little did I know this little girl would make me lose more than I gained in the course of a lifetime in a few short weeks.
♠ ♠ ♠
Let me know what you're thinking! I spent the course of 3 hours debating about this chapter with a friend, deciding to hell with it in the end. Hope you had fun reading!

And thanks guys! Your support and enthusiasm means a lot. =)