Status: New story ^_^

We Don't Belong Here

Chapter 11: I'll keep you my dirty little secret

I came to the conclusion last night that I can’t hate Ashley, because I don’t have it in me to hate anyone. I actively dislike him and his behaviour towards me, but I don’t hate him, because, as I said before, I don’t think I have it in me to hate anyone. Even a slut like Ashley.

I mean it’s his life, if he wants to sleep around and go from girl to girl (or guy in my case, although I won’t allow him to get to me) then he can do that, he’ll realise one day that he fucked up and then he’ll be left with no one because of how selfish he’s been.

I did wonder what his parents were like, people often say that you’re just a younger version of your parents, I don’t think that’s true at all, for a start I’m nothing like my parents,well at least I don’t think I am. I mean apart from my eye colour I look nothing like them. But then again I have body modifications and hair dye to thank for that. Otherwise I may look a little bit more like them I suppose.

My inner ramblings were cut off when I saw people around me starting to get up and grab scripts from the tables at the front of class.

“Earth to Biersack” Jake waved a hand in front of my face.


“Come on, up” He pulled me from the floor “ We’re working on the scene from Othello” He handed me a script “You’re really out of it today, something bugging you?”

“No its… its nothing”

“You can tell me Andy” He said not looking up from the script that he was flicking through to find the page that we had to work from.

“It’s really nothing Jake, its just my parents” I lied

“Whats up with them?”

“I was just thinking that in the two weeks that I’ve been ehre I haven’t heard from them at all, I guess I would have thought that they’d want to know how I was getting on here, but evidently I was wrong, I mean I kind of expected that from my Mom but I kind of hoped my Dad might at
least call me”

“Andy they’ll call don’t worry, I had the same issue when I first came here, why don’t you try calling them?”

“Tried that” I wasn’t lying, I had tried to call my parents on more than one occasion.

“Don’t worry about it Andy, they’ll call soon enough” He smiled and then turned as Juliet approached us.

“Mr Gissepei said he wants me and you to work together again Andy” She smiled. I liked Juliet, she was nice, and she didn’t seem to be trying to get into my pants like a lot of the other girls here, even though they knew that I was indeed gay for Tyler.

“Oh okay” I said flatly, my thoughts were still clouded and spinning, and now I had the added dissapointment from my parents not wanting to call me.


“Okay Andy what’s up?” Juliet demanded

“Nothing” I mumbled, rubbing my face.

“I call bullshit, Andy we’ve been working on this for like, an hour, and you still cant remember your lines, normally you’ve got them down in ten minutes, somethings bugging you and I’ll be dammed if you don’t tell me what it is”

I sighed and sat down on the floor, crossing my legs underneath me. Can I tell Juliet? I feel like I can trust her, but then again that’s happened before and I’ve told people things and its simply blown up in my face. But then again it seems different here, people actually like me here.

“Andy come one you can tell me anything, I promise I wont judge you” She rested a hand on my arm, I looked down at her perfectly manicured nails then back up into her grey blue eyes. I had this overwhelming urge to tell her what I’d done and I couldn’t stop the words tumbling out of my lips.


“You did what?”

“I… I kissed Ashley, well actually no he kissed me but still, I kissed him back and I didn’t mean to, but I did and I can’t tell Tyler cos he’d hate me, and I just don’t know what to do about it cos I’m freaking out and I didn’t get any sleep for like the past three nights because of it and on top of that I just realised that I havent spoken to my parents the whole time that I’ve been here and I just d—“ Juliet cut me off by placing a hand over my mouth, therefore silencing me.

“Andy calm down, take a deep breath, stop freaking out”

“But I don’t know what to do”

“You don’t do anything”


“Well no, you talk to Tyler, tell him what happened, he has a right to know, explain what happened, and then don’t ever do it again”

“Its not that easy” I mumbled

“Yes it is”

“Don’t tell anyone”

“Scouts honour” She smiled and lifted her hand in the air. I chuckled and hugged her before getting up off the floor and continuing with the lesson.
♠ ♠ ♠
Aya's turn now :P
