Status: I think I might continue this...



My phone’s silent alarm went off at 3:30 AM, meaning to wake me, but I hadn’t slept. Anticipation had kept me awake. I flung my bed covers off of me, my skin prickling at the rush of cold air. I quickly striped off my pajamas and pulled on some clothes, not caring about what I was wearing. It wouldn’t matter anyways, Cosy promised me everything I have ever wanted.

My phone buzzed, surprising me and making me jump. I walked over to my phone and smiled when I saw the message was from Cody.

‘Are you up?’

‘Just getting ready to go, packing my backpack!’ I messaged back. My spine tingled with excitement. I was finally escaping, finally getting away.

My phone buzzed again. ‘You don’t need a bag darling! I can buy you new things when you get here! You have to make that 4:15 bus!’ the text said and I scoffed at it under my breath, smiling.

‘What do you think I’m going to be doing on the bus the whole ride? I have to bring some of my things silly ;)’

I slipped my phone back into my pocket and grabbed my backpack and shoved some clothing in it, along with my laptop and hygiene things. I quietly put on my coat as I snuck out of my room. The floor boards creaked under my weight, seeming so much louder than they ever have. I didn’t want to wake Grandmother.

I slipped into my grandmothers room, relieved to find that she hadn’t fallen asleep in her room. I found her purse on the night stand, and took all the crumple bills out before I left hurriedly out of her room. As I reached the hallway, I froze when I saw a figure sitting in a chair in the hallway. A light snore came from and I sighed with relief. Sara, my grandmother’s nurse, sometimes stayed the night, but she was a heavy sleeper.

I slowly walked down the hall of the house I had lived in all my life. Pictures of my mother and father laughing at their wedding made me stop for a moment.I smiled softly thinking back to the days of when we were a happy family, before the divorce, before my Dad died. My heart pained at what I was leaving behind. All of my books, all of my pictures, all of my drawings, all of my music, all of my clothes, my Grandmother, my life. I shook my head. I wouldn’t matter anymore.

I sighed softly and creeped down the stairs and made my way to the kitchen. I grabbed a water bottle and granola bars from the cabinets and slipped them into my bag.

“Are you leaving?”

I froze and slowly turned around. Sara was leaning on the wall with her arms crossed, looking down at the floor.

“Please don’t try to stop me, I can’t take being here anymore Sara.” I said, feeling my cheeks go warm and my eyes water. She looked up at me and smiled sadly.

“I’m not going to try to stop you, I’m just sad that you weren’t going to say goodbye.” She said, already crying. I dropped my backpack and walked up to her, wrapping my arms around her.

“You’ve been more of a mother to me these last six months than my mother ever has, thank you.” I said, my voice wavering from my tears.

“Will you at least keep in touch? Let me know where you are?” Sara asked, hugging me back. I shook my head.

“I can’t, my mother will find me if I do.”

Sara nodded and let me go. “I love you.” she said as I walked to the door.

“I love you too.” I said at the door before I escaped out into the night. I stood on our back porch for a moment and looked back at the house.I couldn’t help but look at my Grandmother, who was sleeping in the chair next to the window in the living room. I forced myself to turn away and took off the porch, running as fast as I could, away from my old life.

I was ready. I would have everything I needed in Chicago, with Cody. Protection, new friends, a new family, money and love.

Tears froze to my face as I ran down the sidewalk, the occasional stranger looking at me, their faces either shocked, confused, or worried. I kept looking behind me, worried about what I would find behind me, but there was nothing there. I slowed my pace as I neared the bus stop.

I had no idea what time it was, all I knew is that I had to leave on the next bus to Chicago. I held back my tears and pulled the hood from my winter coat up over my head and shoved my hands into my pockets. The cold finally hit me when I stopped in front of the bus schedule.

I gave up on trying to figure out the bus schedule, and sat on the bench, tapping my toe rapidly, waiting.

I looked down the street and saw the slow bobbing headlights of the bus head towards the stop, its message board flashing Chicago. I smiled. A new City, a new chance.

The swarm of people around me quickly shuffled to loading area, all of them silently hoping that they would be one of the lucky ones to get a seat. I pulled away my fur lined hood from my face and slowly walked over the forming line in front of the bus, soft snow falling into my dark brown hair. I pulled my cold hands out of my pockets, wadded in them three dollars I had managed to take from my grandmother’s purse.

I looked up at the bus driver and tried giving him a smile as I crammed my money into the machine. I turned to find that every seat on the bus had been taken and there were about ten other people were standing. I sighed and turned around, thinking about waiting for the next bus when I found an empty seat right next to me, then I realized why it was still empty.

The man sitting in the spot next to it was about 450lbs and there was barely enough space for a normal sized person to squeeze in. Luckily, I was slimmer than the average person.

“I would just take the next bus if I were you.” I looked up to find a face to the voice. His face was covered by his hood, but I could still see a young angular jaw jutting out from the shadows.

“I would rather ride on this crammed bus then wait out in winters wrath!” I said frustratedly, slinging my backpack off and taking my seat. He chuckled.

“Suit yourself.”

I shivered at his cold words.
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Is there someone here that can help me edit this story, I really don't like how it is starting, its really corny, I need help!