
Chapter 1

"Amethyst! Wake Up! Wake up!" "Huh!? Mom! It's 6 in the morning!" I was always a disaster in the morning my family told me. Plus, it was a weekend. "I'm sorry honey, I just heard this awful screaming." "Oh, I guess I was having a nightmare.. good night." "Okay Sweetie," I slowly went to back to bed and didn't have that awful dream. My "awful" dream was extraordinary. I don't think anyone would have this dream. What was it you may ask? It's for you to find out.
On a usual saturday I would wake up, brush my long curly black hair and go out on to the town. There was a lot to do in Los Angeles. I was only 15 so I didn't have a job yet. I usually spent my time meeting my friend Veronica at the comic book store. Yup. I was a HUGE comic nerd. "Hey Amee!" That's what Veronica called me. "Hey Veronica! Find any new comics yet?" "Nope. Hey, I can't go to the poetry slam tonight because, I have a boy friend!" "Really!?" At Los Angeles, guys really didn't go for comic book nerds. Well, Veronica was beautiful with her short white blonde hair. "Hey! Umm... have you heard of some town called Shroom?" I was suddenly puzzled. "No? I gotta go, sorry for the short chat, I will meet you up at Starbucks later ok? bye!" "Bye Amee!". I literally needed time to clear my head after all this madness.
As I walked home, I couldn't stop thinking about that "Shroom" town. So, I decided to search up that Shroom town as soon as I got home. "Hey Sweetie! Listen, are we still going to the poetry slam tonight?" "Yes mom!" My mom and I spent every second together. We were best friends. I then just went up to my room and opened my blue Dell. I searched in the search box "Shroom" on google. It did exist! It said it was in LA. How could this be? I really need to research further.
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Hey guys! Hope you like the first chapter! Sorry it's short. :C