Status: Finished... Not All Relationships Last Forever.... Sorry To Dissapoint...

Meet Me on Thames St.

Take Your Own Advice

I traced my finger along the brim of my mug, thoughtlessly. I looked at the black coffee in my cup. I never liked my coffee with milk. I began to pour enough sugar in my drink to give me diabetes.

“You alright, babe?” Charlie said leaning in the door frame of my kitchen

I nod “Yeah”

“You don’t have to lie to me.” He reassures

What exactly should I say? It’s been two weeks since I left California and went back home to Ohio. Of course, I was angry about the whole ordeal, but I wasn’t going to go postal on everyone. Everyone seems to be thinking that I was going to be a mess, but in all honesty I’m fine.

I spent too much time crying over him to be upset now. This was his mistake, not mine. I would be damned to be all weepy about him. I was strong now, even the infamous Chase couldn’t break me.

“My life doesn’t revolve around him, Charlie.”

“I know it doesn’t, but I know he meant a lot to you at one point.” He says grabbing a mug from the cupboard

“Yes, at one point. That time has gone and past.” I say before taking a sip of my coffee.

“Just let me know if you need to talk.” He concludes as he pours his coffee

How was I supposed to talk to him about this? Chase used me. He pretended to car, got what he wanted and made me leave. I let him do this for a second time. I was angry at myself for thinking he had changed.

“Ashley, can you give me a ride to my interview on your way to work?” Tara says before kissing Charlie on the cheek

Tara left California with me. She decided it was the best idea, since she couldn’t stay with Eric anymore. For the last two weeks, she and Charlie had gotten really close. At least one of us moves on quickly.

“Sure, but I’m leaving once I’m done with my coffee.”

She nods and runs off to get ready.

I was happy to be going to work. I work as a journalist in the Ohio Times. But I also have a job writing the advice column for a magazine. It’s nice to help people with their problems. It didn’t give me time to think about my own and I like that.


“So scared of breaking it
But you won't let it bend
And I wrote two hundred letters
I will never send
Sometimes these cuts are so much deeper than they seem
You'd rather cover up
I'd rather let them bleed
So let me be
And I'll set you free
I am in misery
There ain't nobody who can comfort me” I sing softly as we drive

Tara reached over and lowered the volume on the radio.

“Hey! There is a rule against messing with the radio when Maroon 5 is playing!” I object

“We made that rule back in high school.” She says rolling her eyes “I want to talk about stuff.”


“Like how you feel about me and Charlie’s relationship? And how do you feel about me barging into your house and becoming a roommate? I wanna make sure you’re okay with all of this.”

“I love having you as a roommate. And as for the Charlie thing, I’m happy for you guys. I’m happy that you’re over Eric and with a good guy.”

She stayed silent for a moment “You’re over Chase, right?”

“Completely.” I say stopping at a red light


“Don’t get me wrong, I’m pissed he did this to me. But, at the same time, I should have expected it. He’ll never change. He uses me and then messes with me. No wonder him and Eric are friends.”

“I wouldn’t exactly put him and Eric in the same category.”

“And why not?” I question

“Because Chase isn’t really a bad guy. He’s scared, Ashley. He’s gets terrified when he’s close to people, so he becomes self-destructive.”

“Are you defending him?” I snap

“Of course not. You shouldn’t forgive him, but I’m just saying he isn’t as low as Eric.” She concludes


I had dropped off Tara and was at work, fighting with my computer. Of course, electronics repel me.

“Ashley, Devon wants to see in her office.” My coworker, Nick, tells me walking by

Just Swell!

Don’t get me wrong, I like my boss. We actually have a friendship outside of the office, but I hate having meetings with her. Her ideas are usually ridiculous.

I walked into her office nervously.

“Ashley, glad you’re here. I have a great idea for your next article.”

“Can’t wait to hear it.” I lie as I take a seat

“Well I feel your readers don’t see the real you.” She observes

“Well how do we change that? How about a meet and great?” I offer

“That’s not personal enough. I feel your next article should be about you.”

“What about me, exactly?” I raise an eyebrow

“Write about your most previous relationship. How it started from beginning to end. It will show how a relationship shapes you. It will show them a different side of you. It shows what made you wise. It’s brilliant!” She exclaims clasping her hands together

What? My readers look up to me. They respect me. How will they react knowing how weak and unstable I am? I’ll lose their faith in my advice. How can they take my advice, if I didn’t?

“I’ll need the article by Tuesday.” She smiles

Before I could voice my opinion, Devon was leaving for another meeting.

♠ ♠ ♠
Commment please o.O
I'm lonely