Double Lives

Trinity- Trinity Ravenwood is your normal party girl. She loves to have fun, of all kinds and sure does know how to get everything her heart desires. Just by asking a special someone for a favor. Yeah, couldn't get any better.

Shelby- Shelby Cliffton is one of the sweetest girls that lives in L.A. Her sweet smile and good looks has landed her a nice job being a fashion assistant to a famous fashion designer. Life for Shelby couldn't possibly get any better for her.

Both girls have totally different personalities, dreams and different lives. But there is one thing they have in common, can you guess what it is?

Disclaimer: This story was inspired by the movie A Beautiful Mind, There may or may not be some things the same in the story. I haven't decided yet. I don't own A7X and I am almost certain that there no bad guys. :) The plot is mine and I'd love it if no one stole it.
  1. Chapter 1