Status: Active :)

Stay With Me

Chapter 11.

“Hurry up!” Rob called as we all tried to shove our bags in the luggage hold under the bus. He ushered us all on board.

“Rhi, this is Philly Smalls, the worst bus driver ever,” Max grinned slapping the driver on the back.

“Hey, watch it mate,” Philly chuckled ruffling Max’s hair. “Nice to meet you,” he grinned shaking my hand.

“You too,” I smiled as Rob came over to hurry us up. I walked into the bunk area as Philly started the engine and we hit the road.

“When can I meet everyone?” I asked chucking my bag into Dan’s bunk.

“As soon as we stop at the venue this afternoon,” Josh said flicking on the TV in the front lounge.

“Sweet,” I replied throwing myself onto the couch.

Normally I’d have been on the crew’s bus, but Rob put me on the band’s bus since Dan and I were a couple. But, were we a couple? He hadn’t exactly asked me to be his girlfriend. We just kind of acted like we were a couple. It didn’t bother me to be honest. Just being with Dan was all I really cared about. I didn’t want to ask him about it in case he got upset or whatever. Labels weren’t really necessary, were they? I really needed a girl to talk to because I don’t think I’d survive being surrounded by a bunch of guys for the next month or so. I tried to push the thought out of my mind as Dan came and joined me on the front lounge.

We watched a few movies and played some PlayStation before we arrived at the venue that afternoon. Rob got us inside and set up in one of the dressing rooms. The show wasn’t for a few hours yet so Rob organised for me to meet the crew and get their merch guy, Ollie, to show me the ropes.

“Guys, listen up!” Rob called. The crew stopped what they were doing and focused their attention on us. “This is Rhi; she’s the GK designer I was telling you about, be nice, introduce yourself. Ollie, can you show Rhi how everything is done?”

“Sure thing, mate,” A skinny guy with a moustache, presumably Ollie, said as he walked toward us.

“Thanks,” Rob said walking back toward the dressing room.

“I’m Ollie,” he said.

“Rhi,” I replied shaking his hand.

“Come on, I’ll introduce you to everyone,” I followed him up onto the stage. “This is Dan Norris, Dan’s drum tech. We just call him Norris, too confusing otherwise. This here is Jonathan and Dean, guitar techs, Luke Rendell, does a little bit of everything and Jim Sylvia, our tattoo artist.” I shook hands and introduced myself to everyone; so far everybody seemed pretty cool.

After the introductions I followed Ollie to the front of the venue where the merch table was going to be set up. I helped haul all the boxes of shirts and jumpers over to the table and we spent the next hour getting the merch laid out and arranged on the wall behind us. There was something about being on tour and being around friends that I loved. Working in the office with Marky and hanging out with Noah everyday was fun, don’t get me wrong. But, when I was travelling the world and meeting new people I felt so carefree, so alive.

The sound of drums being played, quite horribly, snapped me back to reality. Matt was sitting behind Dan’s drum kit randomly hitting the cymbals and the bass drum. Ollie groaned beside me and I couldn’t help but laugh.

“I take it this happens often?” I asked as Dan walked over to kick Matt off.

“Way too often,” he chuckled shaking his head.

I stood there folding a pile of shirts while I watched Dan sit behind his drums and start to play Finders Keepers. I loved watching him play, he always seemed happier with a pair of drum sticks in his hand. He looked up and caught me staring and smiled. I felt the blush creep onto my cheeks as I looked down and tried to concentrate on what I was doing. I looked up at him again while he fiddled with the drums, trying to get them to sound right.

“So, you and Dan then?” Ollie asked.

“I guess so, yeah.”

“You guess so?”

“Well, I don’t know,” I shrugged, “we act like a couple but he hasn’t actually asked me out.”

“Oh,” he nodded, “I see. Well, I’m sure he will love, just give him time,” I nodded and arranged the folded shirts on the table. “He’s had a rough few months and this is the happiest I’ve seen him since the beginning of the year.”

“Rough few months?” Now I was confused. I had no idea what Ollie was talking about.

“You don’t know do you?” I shook my head in response. He stood there staring at his shoes before looking up at me. He looked torn, like he wanted to tell me, but he couldn’t. “It’s not my place to say,” he said finally, “if Dan wants you to know, he’ll tell you.”

The rest of the day passed in a blur. I couldn’t stop thinking about what Ollie had said. Why had Dan had a rough few months? What happened at the beginning of the year? I was definitely confused. I had all these scenarios running through my head and if I didn’t find a distraction soon I‘d go crazy.

I spent the next hour fiddling with the merch and rearranging things in order for something to do. The venue slowly started to fill up with kids and within 10 minutes I had people coming from all directions wanting this shirt and that hoodie. This was definitely one of the crazier shows I’d been to. But, once the opening bands came out the crowd died down and Ollie went off looking for drinks.


“Holy shit,” I gaped recognising the person who’d called my name. “Bobbi-Jo? Oh my god!” I squealed running around the merch table.

“It’s been way too long,” she grinned crushing me in a hug.

“I can’t believe it! How are you?” I grabbed her hand and pulled her around behind the table.

“I’m great, been travelling a tonne. What about you?”

“I’m the same, Marky sent me here to tour with You Me At Six and promote GK,” I replied.

I couldn’t believe this was happening right now. I hadn’t seen Bobbi-Jo in over six months; we met on All Time Low’s last tour. She’s a professional photographer for a British music magazine. She gets sent to all the best concerts and festivals; her work is all over the internet. She’s also met just about every band you can name, Blink 182, Jimmy Eat World, Foo Fighters, A Day to Remember, Bring Me the Horizon. Most of which I haven’t got to meet yet.

“That’s so amazing. I’m here for You Me At Six as well. Are you with them the whole tour?”

“Yeah,” I grinned, “I’m actually on their bus,” her eyes widened and she gave me one of those ‘tell me everything’ looks. “Oh, hey, Ollie, this is Bobbi-Jo,” I said taking the beer he handed me. I’d have to thank him later for saving me from that interrogation.

“Nice to meet you,” he nodded. “Sorry, I’d have got an extra beer if I’d known you were here.”

“Yeah, you too,” she smiled giving me a dirty look. “And, that’s okay, I’m working anyway,” she held up the camera that was hanging around her neck. “Rhi, what were you about to tell me?” Bobbi-Jo turned to look at me.

Luck must have been on my side tonight because I was saved again by the last opening band ending their set. There was also a 15 minute gap between them and the boys going on stage, so I had no time to chat. The crowd dispersed and a line began to form at the table.

“Later,” I smiled turning my attention to the fans.

“Yeah, yeah. I have to go anyway,” she said before turning and walking off.

By the end of the night I was exhausted. I just wanted to pack up and curl up with Dan in his bunk. But, knowing them we’d be having a rather long night. Ollie and I packed up the merch in record time and headed toward the back of the venue to meet up with everyone.

“Bobbi-Jo!” I called noticing the red head walking toward the front doors. “Come on, I want you to meet some people.”

“Hey baby!” Dan yelled picking me up in a hug when we walked through the door of their dressing room.

“Gross,” I tried to pull away but he was too strong. He had me pressed against him, I couldn’t go anywhere. “Let me go,” I cried struggling to pull away.

“Nope, sorry love,” he grinned kissing my cheek. I instantly melted against him and my heart soared. My body couldn’t stand being this close to him. My arms had a mind of their own and instantly wrapped around Dan’s neck. I pulled him closer to me and pressed my lips to his. A throat being cleared behind us brought me back and I pulled away from Dan.

“Oh, um, Dan this is Bobbi-Jo, she’s a friend and photographer,” I said linking my fingers with his, “Bobbi-Jo, this is Dan, the drummer.”

“Hey,” he nodded holding out his hand.

“Good to meet you,” she replied. “Can you give us a sec?” Bobbi-Jo grabbed my arm and dragged me into one corner of the room. “What the hell? I thought you didn’t date the band?” She whispered staring me down.

“I don’t usually,” I sighed, “but this time is different, I promise. I really like him. Probably way too much but I can’t help it.”

“You’re going to get hurt, how will it even work? They live here! You live on the other side of the world.”

“I know, I know. Can you just spend some time with us? Get to know him, please? I need him.”

“Okay, fine,” she sighed. “Don’t let me regret this decision.”

“You won’t,” I smiled and pulled her over to where everyone was crowded around.

I introduced Bobbi-Jo to everyone except Josh. For some reason he wasn’t there. We sat around talking and drinking before Josh finally showed up half an hour later. “Josh, I’d like you to meet my friend Bobbi-Jo,” I smiled.

He just stared at her without saying anything. I elbowed him in the side to try and get him to say something. “Uh, hey,” he finally stuttered rubbing the back of his neck.

“Hi,” she replied as blush made its way onto her cheeks.

I took a second to assess the situation before realising what was going on. Josh liked her, he had to. Josh wasn’t usually awkward and shy, and neither was Bobbi-Jo. I couldn’t help the grin that spread across my face. It was time to break out my match-making skills.
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OHMYGOD! I'm so sorry it took so long to update. I said it'd be done last week and it wasn't D; I can't apologise enough!

Anyway, let me know what you think!

I love you all for being so patient :)