Status: Active :)

Stay With Me

Chapter 02.

“You’re late,” Marky said before I’d even walked into the meeting room.

“Actually, I’m early,” I replied. “By 5 whole minutes.” Marky just shook his head and sat at the end of the table. I took the seat to his left so I could see when the boys walked through the door.

“Do you have the designs I asked for?”

“Yes,” I sighed pushing them across the table to him. “3 am I was up until.”

“Boo-hoo,” he pouted.

“You’re the worst boss ever.”

“Don’t lie,” he laughed flicking through the pages of my sketch book. “These are good.”

“Thanks,” I smiled. “So, when are they getting here?”

Marky glanced at his watch, “10 minutes, give or take.” I relaxed back into my chair and waited for You Me At Six to arrive. I completely zoned out as I began to play with the hem of my shirt.

A knock at the door broke me from my thoughts as Marky stood up to greet the five boys standing there. They all exchanged greetings and did the whole man shake/hug thing.


“Oh, hi,” I said standing up. “I’m Rhiannon but just call me Rhi,” I smiled.

“This is Josh Franceschi, lead vocalist, Max Helyer, guitar and backing vocals, Chris Miller, guitar, Matt Barnes, bass and Dan Flint, drums,” Marky introduced pointing to each of them. I shook hands with them all before sitting back down.

They all took seats around the table. Dan, Matt and Chris sat opposite me, Max and Josh with Marky on the end. I looked around the table at the boys, taking each of them in for the first time; I must admit they were a pretty damn attractive band. Max was shorter than the rest; he looked younger too, and had dark brown eyes and stubble. Josh was the tallest of the 5 and had blue eyes and was kind of chubby; not in a bad way though. Chris had brown hair that sat just above his shoulders and seemed to be the shyer one of the band. Matt looked older than the rest and seemed to be the more laid back one. My eyes finally rested on Dan, his blue eyes sparkled when he spoke and his, obviously dyed, blond hair made me want to run my hands through it. I definitely wanted to get to know him better.

“Rhi?” Marky said. I snapped my head over to look at him.


“Were you even listening?” He asked. Blush began to creep onto my cheeks as I realised they were all staring at me, including Dan. Oh, Dan. He was so unbelievably lush. Snap out of it. I focused my attention back on Marky.

“Of course,” I smiled.

“What did I say then?” My smile dropped.

“Uh…umm,” oh god, what was I supposed to say? I just made the biggest ass of myself.

“He was just saying that it would be cool if you based your designs around our newest album Hold Me Down and some from our previous album Take Off Your Colours,” Dan cut in, saving me. His accent made him that much more attractive.

“Oh, yeah, that’s okay,” I replied flashing Dan a ‘thank you’ look.

“Great,” Josh smiled. “We’re really excited to see what you come up with.”

“Yeah,” Max agreed. Matt and Chris just nodded their approval as Marky continued talking about ideas and such.

I was trying so hard to pay attention, occasionally nodding so it looked like I was involved with the conversation but I just couldn’t stop thinking about Dan. I don’t even know why. I barely knew him or any of them really, but there was just something about him. I chanced a glance in his direction to find he was already looking at me. My heart skipped a beat as we sat there just staring at each other. He made no effort to look away and neither did I. I could sit there all day and look into those blue eyes. Finally, he looked away after Josh had asked him something.

I looked over at Marky who just shook his head at me, a smirk playing on his lips. Clearly he’d witnessed our little staring match. I rolled my eyes and turned my attention back to the conversation.

“So, what did you guys have in mind?” I asked grabbing my sketch book and pencil from in front of Marky.

“Well, firstly we were thinking of having a black shirt with red and white writing,” Max started.

“With ‘I’ve got real big plans and such bad thoughts’ written on it,” Matt finished.

I nodded and began drawing the outline of a t-shirt. “Starting with white?” I asked.

“Yeah,” Chris replied. I began sketching the words onto the t-shirt I’d drawn and labelling what was red and what was white.

“Did you want the band name at the bottom?”

“Yeah, in red and white,” Josh said. I finished my rough sketch and held it up.

“What do you think?” I asked. “Be honest.”

“That’s cool,” Josh smiled at me.

“Yeah, you’re so talented,” Max replied. Matt and Chris both nodded in agreement. They weren’t really men of many words.

“Dan? What do you think mate?” Max asked.

“It’s really good,” he smiled. “Really good.”

“Thanks,” I smiled back.

The conversation drifted onto other designs and I sketched a few as they described them. After another half hour or so we drifted into casual conversation amongst ourselves.

“So, how old are you, Rhi?” Max asked.

“I’m 19, you?”

“Same!” He grinned; he was such a weird kid. “I turn 20 in March.”

“Cool,” I replied. “I turn 20 in September.”

It was about 1pm before we finished up the meeting and organised to catch up in about 3 days or so to see what I’d come up with from what they’d told me. Max hugged me as he skipped out of the office. Josh, Matt and Chris waved as they followed Max out the door. Marky disappeared into his office, which left Dan and I standing awkwardly in the hall.

“So, I guess I’ll see you later then?” Dan spoke up looking over at me and smiling.

“Yeah, I guess so,” I replied looking up at him.

“Cool, well I’ll see you later,” he said before turning and heading for the door.

“See you later,” I almost whispered as I watched him disappear around the corner, the door swinging shut behind him. Reluctantly I dragged myself back to my office to start designing.
♠ ♠ ♠

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