Status: Active :)

Stay With Me

Chapter 04.

“Long time no see,” I grinned.

“Oh, a whole 8 hours!” Max laughed taking the seat next to me. “Guys!” he yelled, “over here.” The rest of the boys made their way over to the table and took seats next to Max.

“Hey Rhi,” Josh grinned at me. “Why are you sitting here all alone?”

“Oh, I’m here with Noah, he just went to get drinks,” as if I’d called for him Noah walked over with our drinks and set them on the table. “Noah, this is the band I was telling you about, You Me At Six.”

“Oh, hey guys,” he said. “I’ve heard a lot about you guys.” Josh raised an eyebrow at me and I couldn’t help but laugh.

“Don’t worry about him,” I smiled. “This is Josh, Max, Dan, Matt and Chris,” I said gesturing to each of them. They exchanged nods like the real men that they were. “What are you guys doing here anyways?”

“We couldn’t stand being stuck in our hotel room with our manager all night so we decided we’d come out and see what there is to do around he-”

“I need a drink,” Max stated interrupting Matt halfway through his sentence. Matt rolled his eyes and stood up.

“What does everyone want?” We all told him what we wanted and he headed toward the bar.

“I’ll help,” Noah said and followed behind him.

“Noah seems cool,” Max smiled at me.

“Yeah, but he can be a real pain in the ass sometimes,” I laughed taking a mouthful of my drink. I couldn’t help but notice how quiet Dan was being. It almost seemed like he was ignoring me. But, then again that could just be my paranoid side coming out. I hardly even knew these boys and yet I wanted so badly to get to know them.

“So, is he like, your boyfriend?” Dan asked me after a while. It was the first words he’d said to me all night. I looked at him for a second and just burst out laughing. I couldn’t help me self, I was laughing so hard my ribs hurt and I had tears in my eyes.

“Is she alright?” Chris asked Josh, who was laughing at me. After about another 5 minutes I calmed down and Matt and Noah returned with our drinks.

“Are you okay?” Noah asked. I looked over at Dan who was glaring at Noah and shook my head.

“Dan wants to know if you’re, like, my boyfriend,” I said and Noah just looked at Dan and burst out laughing as well.

“You guys are both weird,” Max laughed and downed whatever alcoholic drink Matt just bought for him.

“It’s because we’re related, our weirdness runs in the family,” I laughed and looked over at Dan.

“Wait, so you’re not together?” Dan asked.

“Ew, no!” I cried. “Noah’s my brother.”

“Oh,” Dan smiled sheepishly, “sorry.”

“Don’t worry about it,” I laughed and finished off my 3rd vodka and orange juice just as Matt and Noah went off to the bar again for the next round of drinks.

Before long 3 drinks turned into 6 and then I began to lose count. Noah was getting along with everyone really well, which was good. Tonight wouldn’t be as much fun if he didn’t like the band. It was getting close to midnight and it was safe to say that we were all well and truly drunk. It was obvious that the boys could handle their alcohol a lot better than I could. Max, Josh and Noah were jumping up and down and being absolute idiots on the dance floor while Matt, Chris, Dan and I sat at the table and laughed at them.

“Heeeeeey, Dan?” I slurred leaning on his shoulder and looking up at him.

“What’s up, Rhi?” He laughed finishing his drink.

“Let’s dance,” I jumped down from my stool, forgetting that I was wearing heels and stumbled over grabbing Dan’s sleeve for support. Instead of saying upright though I pulled us both to the floor. “Oops,” I giggled as Matt and Chris sat there laughing their heads off at us.

“Sorry, are you okay? Am I squashing you? Shit, I’m sorry, I should probabl-”

“Shhhh,” I grinned putting a finger over his lips. “You talk too much.”

“Sorry,” Dan pushed himself up off the floor and reached a hand out to help me.

“Stop saying sorry!” I cried as he pulled me to my feet and I stumbled again. This time though Dan caught me before I could fall. His arms were wrapped around my waist and he had me pressed against his chest. My heart rate quickened as the warmth from his hands on my waist spread through me.

“Rhi?” He whispered his breath tickling my neck.

“Y-y-yeah?” I stammered; the mixture of alcohol and the feeling of Dan being so close to me made my knees go weak and I was thankful for his hold on me.

“Do I make you nervous?” He asked looking down at my shaking hands that were resting on his chest. Before I had a chance to answer though I was lifted up and thrown over someone’s shoulder. Way to ruin the moment.

“Put me down!” I yelled kicking my legs like crazy.

“Never!” Noah yelled and spun me around in a circle.

“Noah James Hart! If you do not put me down this instant I’m going to be sick all over you,” he dropped me on my feet and started backing away. I knew that would work. I smiled triumphantly at him and walked, or should I say stumbled, back to the table. “I need another drink.”

“Oh, no you don’t,” Dan replied. “I’m taking you home.”

“Hey everyone, Dan said he wants to take me home,” I giggled like a little girl as the rest of the guys began yelling and whistling at Dan. He just shook his head and pulled me toward the door. The cool air outside was like a slap in the face and I shivered.

“Here,” Dan said taking off his hoodie and wrapping it around my shoulders before hailing a cab.

“But, then you’ll be cold!” I said shrugging out of it and holding it out to him.

“I’m from England, this is nothing compared to back home,” he smiled.

“Oh,” I said putting my arms into the sleeves and wrapping it around myself. It was still warm and it smelled of him. Butterflies began to form in the pit of my stomach.

Dan helped me into the taxi and I gave the driver my address. When the driver pulled up out the front of my house 10 minutes later Dan paid and helped me get out. I pulled my heels off before handing Dan my keys and following him up the drive way. He waited outside my room while I changed out of my clothes. I threw on a pair of pyjama shorts and a singlet and wrapped myself in Dan’s hoodie again.

“You can come in,” I called and Dan opened the door.

“Are you okay?”

“Yeah, just tired,” I yawned and crawled into bed. “Can you stay? Please?” I asked.

“Just for a little while,” Dan kicked off his shoes and got into bed beside me.

“Mmkay,” I mumbled and curled into his side before falling asleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
I hope you like this chapter! I enjoyed writing it :)