Status: I will update as long as I at least get one comment so please please comment!

She Wolf

Head Trauma

I felt pressure on my right arm. I tried to move but couldn't pull away. I tried moving the rest of my body and got the same result. It was like I was being held down by straps. Surely death wont be like this, right? It would be peaceful and happy like or something along those lines. Slowly, I started to hear a continuously annoying beeping sound. Scrunching up my face a little, I tried to ignore the annoying beep. Wait! It sounded like a heart monitor! Was I at a hospital? What had happened? Why was I here? Thoughts rushed through my head, making me feel panicky. The beating got faster and I heard something open to the left of me, must have been a door. Voices filled my ears but non of them sounded familiar to me.

"What's wrong with her? Is she going to be okay?" One of the many voices asked.

"Her senses are coming back to her. She's going to be fine but she had a lot of head trauma so she might stay in this state for a day or two trying to remember what happened to her. As of right now she can only hear and feel us. She can't reply and I don't know how well she'll be able to control her body." Another males voice answered.

"Oh god my poor baby girl. She's already been out a week! Why is she going to take longer if she's already coming to?" A females voice cried out.

The voice sounded like my mama's! My mama was here with me! I wanted to open my eyes and tell her that I was okay but they just wouldn't listen to me! Why had I been out a week? What had happened to me? Why was I here!

"She went through a lot of suffering. Her body needs time to heal its self without it having to do more stuff at once. Almost all her rips were broken, both her legs, along with her collar bone and arm. Its a miracle that her heart or lungs weren't punctured. You both can stay in here with her and try to get her to respond but I wouldn't built up hope, it might take her a day or two like I said." After that the voices cut off and I felt myself start to drift off again into the black abyss.

The next time I started to since what was going on around me, I felt something in both of my hands. They were both hands it felt like but the one on the right was burning up. If felt nice compared to the cold hand covering my left hand. I struggled for a minute or two before my eyes would finally open. The room was dark and not what I had expected at all. It was a room in someones house that I didn't recognize. There was a sleeping man I didn't know on my right side, who was the one radiating all the heat and my mom was on my left side who was watching TV and still hadn't noticed noticed that I was watching her yet. I squeezed her hand softly to get her attention. Her eyes flickered over to me and when she saw me gazing back at her, she let out a loud gasp and softly pulled me into a hug. I wrapped my one arm around her that she had relished and held her as close to me as I could.

"Baby Girl! Your finally up! Oh my sweet baby Jesus thank you my baby girls okay!" She cried into my shoulder.

"Mama, what happened to me?" My voice came out raspy.

"You don't remember do you?" She asked sadly.

"Is that bad?" I asked quietly.

"No Hun, trust me that isn't bad. You went through a lot of trauma, your body is just trying to heal. You'll remember soon enough."

I just nodded my head a little, fighting back the tears that wanted to fall down my face.I wanted to remember so badly that when I would try, it would start to give me a headache. I hated feeling this helpless and vulnerable. It was like I was a baby all over again. Mama and I talked quietly for a while before some very pale guy with golden hair joined us in the room. He said his hello's to us and started checking my vitals while telling me what had happened. He thought it would help jog my memory if I knew what had happen to me. I don't know how the guy sleeping in the chair next to me hadn't waken up yet. When the pale man said that I had been attacked by three vampires and my friends had just gotten to me in time I screeched out loud calling him crazy and that vampires and werewolves didn't exist. Once the doctor and my mom had finally calmed me down, my mom started explaining the Legends of our people to me again. She couldn't be lying to me, right? Right. She was my mama and she had never lied to me before in my life so why would she start now? She explained to me that the sleeping heater of a man next to me was my best friend Embry and that he was also my boyfriend and imprint. He had been by my side the whole week and a half that I had been out. It warmed my heart to know that he cared that much but I felt bad that I couldn't remember who he was, though the name did sound familiar to me. Starting to get tired again, my mom told me to rest and that she wouldn't leave my side while I slept.

~Embry's POV~

"Why didn't you wake me up when she woke up?" I questioned Tammie after she told me that Dayton had woken up after her week and half long sleep.

"You've been up for five days straight watching over her and waiting for her to wake up. You need your rest just as much as she does. She wasn't awake for long, an hour at the most before she feel back asleep." Tammie was so motherly to everyone around her.

"If I'm asleep next time she wakes up, will you please wake me up? I don't care if I even just feel asleep." I told her.

A pain stricken expression covered her face, worrying me,"Embry, I didn't want to tell you just in case if she wakes up next time and is better but she lost her memory. She doesn't remember you or the rest of the pack. She doesn't remember what happened to her or what she is. Dr. Cullen said that her memory could come back within minutes, days, or even weeks. The trauma was to much for her body and mind to handle so her find blocked out everything to do with the experience."

"What!" I was outraged! Those stupid blood suckers took away my imprints memory of every!

"Keep quiet! See, this is why I didn't want to tell you. Her memory could very much come back within a couple days or when she wakes up next. Just don't stress her out anymore then she already is." Tammie scolded me.

"Fine." I grumbled out.

~Dayton's POV~

I smiled in my mind as I heard the two talking. I remembered everything after hearing Embry's sweet voice and of course me being me, I just had to mess with them. My eyes fluttered open as I glanced at the two people in my room. Of course Mama was still in to room just like she said she would be but this time Embry that had been asleep was now awake and they were both staring at me very intently.

"Um is everything okay?" I asked quietly.

"Everything is fine dear.We were just chatting a little until you woke up again." My mom tried to cover up their conversation.

"Oh okay." I nodded.

Embry kept opening his mouth like he wanted to say something but he noticed my mom's sharp gaze and seemed to change his mind,"How are you feeling?"

"Okay I guess. My head hurts a little though." I faked.

"Oh. Do you want me to get the doctor?" He asked concerned.

"If you would please." I answered him with a soft smile, not wanting to give anything away yet.

Once he left the room and my mom had sat down again I spoke softly,"I remember everything, Mama."

"Please don't tell me your just trying to make me feel better baby girl." She pleaded.

"Why would I lie to you about remembering?" I asked,"I just want to mess with Embry a little so shush!"

Perfect timing to, right as I shushed her, Embry walked in with the head Cullen vampire. It was clear that he had heard the conversation my mom and me shared and was just faking about my memory lose still. Embry came and stood next to me as Carlisle walked out of the room, looking very sad about the memory lose still.

"Um, Embry? Will you say something please?" I asked looking up at him with hopeful eyes.

"Sure anything." He answered quickly.

"Say Alpha Kenny body." I told him.

"Alpha Kenny body?" He responded confused.

"Now say it faster." It was hard not to laugh at his confused expression.

"Alpha Kenny body. Hey! Your evil! You seriously though that would be funny?" Embry seemed a little pissed off but more relived that I had my memory back.

"If it makes you feel better, I got my memory back by hearing your voice." I said cutely.

"Your still evil." Embry commented, while he pulled me into a tight hug.

Carlisle had given me the clear to leave. Just giving me the instructions that I had to take it easy for a couple days and not get into a fight with three vampires again without back up right there with me. I was ready to leave the second he said I could and it seemed Embry was to. Although I was extremely grateful that Carlisle had taken care of me and fixed my broken body, I wanted to get out of that house. It reeked of vampires and it burnt my nose at how strong the sweet smell was. Our ride home was silent other than then the radio playing My Darkest Days softly. Pulling up to my house, I stepped out of my moms car with the help of Embry, who the proceed to caring me into the house and to my room, laying me on my bed gently as if I would break. My mom had just dropped me off so she could go to work, knowing that I would be well looked after by Embry. He rushed into the living room and grabbed us a couple movies and drinks before coming back into my room, putting in a random movie and plopped down on the bed beside me after setting the drinks down on the nightstand.Turns out we were going to be watching The Hangover 2 first. I had already see the movie in theaters but it was still an extremely weird movie to me. I mean, the chicks have dicks? How freaking weird is that? And just not right! Getting half way thought the film, I curled up next to Embry's warm body and fell asleep. Which I seemed to be doing a lot lately, stupid vampires.
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thank you babygurl94512, shadow123, and let's rebuild for commenting! I'm sorry it took so long for me to update and that its not very long but over the weekend I was busy with family Christmas parties (which I hated) and right now I'm babysitting so I can't just write the whole time :( But I promise this week I will update again with a much longer chapter because its Christmas break and I only have to work a couple hours each day! Yay! Can I still get some comments on this chapter tho, pretty please? Oh and once again, I am so sorry for how short it is.