Rockstar Lost

You have Gum

{Matt’s POV}

We sat down on the bar stools and waited on the bartender who was fixing a drink for someone. I scanned the place for any recollection of being here but nothing was jumping out.

The people that were here didn’t even look in our direction or acted like they cared. That was fine by me. I just wanted information and to get out of here. This place was making me angry and I couldn’t figure out why. The reason is at the tip of my mind but I just can’t remember. It was frustrating as hell but I kept my calm and grinned at Riley.

“What?” she asked, starting to furrow her brows.

“Nothing, I’m just glad you’re helping me with this.”

“Well, you’re welcome but I told you we were in this together.” Riley turned her attention to the bartender as he made his way over to us.

“Can I help you with anything?” he asked.

“Actually, you can. Do you remember seeing him here the other night or so?” Riley asked him while she pointed to me.

“No ma’am, I don’t work weekends. My boss does though so maybe he could help you,” the guy said in a little bit of a girly voice.

“Is he here?” I asked, finally cutting in.

“Um, yeah…uh, let me go get him.” The kid walked into the kitchen area and to where I’m assuming the office was.

“Jeesh Matt, trying scaring him a bit more,” Riley said looking at me with a grin.

“What do you mean? I didn’t scare him.”

“Matt, you could scare anyone with your brute size, much less the tone you just used,” she stated, which confused me because I didn’t think I had a tone.

“Well, either way it worked. Let’s just hope he can tell us something.” I thrummed my fingers on the wooden counter and waited for the man.

It wasn’t too long of a wait, although I was sure the boy might have gotten chewed out for bothering his boss. A man appeared in the doorway wearing a grey t-shirt and black pants. His hair was thinning but it was clearly evident that it matched his shirt.

“Can I help you?” he asked with suspicion, eyeballing Riley and I for any signs of a problem.

“Do you remember me being in here the other night?” I asked and waited with breath held.

He squinted a bit but shook his head. “No, it’s hard to say. I see a lot of guys come in here daily. Of course when they are wearing sunglasses and toboggans, you could be anybody.”

Realizing what he meant, I took off my glasses and hat, waiting yet again for him to get another look.

“Do you, buy chance, have any tattoos?” he asked me.

“Yeah,” I said, taking off my jacket and revealing the many patterns of ink on my arms.

“You know what, I do remember you. Yeah, yeah, you were in here the other night. You were real quiet and by yourself. I remember asking you if you had a ride home because you were drinking very heavy and you just shook your head. I think you finished a whole bottle of Vodka.”

I tried to remember what he was telling me but I didn’t have any memory of it. While I was thinking, Riley cut in. “Did he leave with anyone or call someone?”

“Look lady, I don’t run a babysitting bar here. I didn’t watch him every second. I do remember not long after he left, a group of guy followed. I didn’t really think anything of it. Like I said, this is a bar.”

“Has he come here before?” she persisted.

“Wait a minute, why are you asking me? He should know, he was the one here.”

“Because I don’t remember,” I said, getting slightly irritated with this guy.

“Well, I’m sorry but that’s all I know. I can’t help you much more.” The guy turned and went back through the door. I wasn’t sure as for what to do next but I didn’t want to hang out here much longer.

“Riley, let’s go, there’s nothing more here.” I stood up and walked to the door, hearing her following behind me. When I stepped out, the rain had just started to sprinkle lightly.
Closing up the gaps around my neck with my jacket, I began walking in the direction of her car.

Suddenly, I seen Riley pass me from behind and she started laughing. I didn’t see anything amusing but maybe I missed something. “What’s so funny?” I asked.

“You have gum on your butt!” she said, bursting into a fit of giggles.

“I have what?” I asked, confused.

She stopped running and waited for me to catch up. “I said you have gum on your butt. You must have gotten it off of the barstool.”

I patted the back of my jeans and sure enough, there was a day old piece of gum stuck on my ass. Are you kidding me? How is that I managed to sit in the only stool with gum on it?

“You know, I think pink may be your color,” Riley said with a grin.

“Yeah, well as soon as we get home, I am scraping that shit off my jeans and they are going straight to the laundry mat.” I couldn’t imagine having some perky little tramp’s saliva plastered on them any longer.

“Wait a minute buddy, don’t think you’re getting gum all over my seat,” she stated with a serious face.

“Then what do you expect me to do, walk or take off my jeans?”

As soon as the sentence flew out of my mouth, I knew I was in trouble. A devilish grin appeared on her face and I knew I she was spinning the idea.

“You don’t want to get stuck in the rain do ya?”

Yep, I was in for it.

{No One’s POV}

30 Minutes later…

“Jimmy, I don’t think Matt is here. We’ve searched every bar and store in the area and no one’s seen him,” Johnny said from the back seat. “We’re in a different county anyways; I don’t think he would have come all the way out here just to drink a few beers.”

“Then what do you suggest?” Brian asked him, wondering himself where their band mate and best friend was.

Johnny remained quiet and looked out the rain splattered window.

“We can at least try this one and if he’s not here, then we’ll go home,” Jimmy compromised.

They pulled into the parking lot and got out, keeping their thoughts and feelings to themselves as they went in through the door. Going up to the bar, they questioned the younger man and once again, the owner came out, getting somewhat irritated from being bother twice in the past hour.

“Have you seen this man?” Zacky asked, holding up a picture.

“What is it with you young people? Is this some kind of joke?” the man asked, clearly agitated.

“I don’t know what you mean, but we are trying to find our friend. If you’ve seen him, we’d appreciate it if you would tell us,” Brian stated, his patience wearing thin. The past few days, they had been searching and either no one had seen him, or they felt intimidated and defensive, wanting to know why they were looking for him.

“Yeah, that guy was in here about 40 minutes ago. Him and his girlfriend left without even buying a drink,” the grey haired man stated.

Brian, Zacky, Johnny, and Jimmy all looked at one another and continued their questioning.

“Do you know where he went?” Jimmy asked, trying not to get his hopes up.

“No, I don’t and I didn’t ask either. None of my business.”

Zacky pulled Jimmy from the bar and said, “Come on guys, let’s go look around. He may be somewhere close by.

Reluctantly, the guys followed and left. Getting in the car, they were all quiet until Zacky spoke up. “Well, at least we know he’s not hurt.”

“He will be when we find him though,” Jimmy said as he started the car.

“That he will.”
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