A Beautiful Mistake

Chapter Ten.

I slept most of the weekend.

With my parents, it was hard to sleep a lot because usually on the weekends they all had some kind of dinner or business thing I had to go. But with my Aunt Gabriella, I slept away.

On Sunday evening, she wanted to take me to dinner before my first day at the new school tomorrow. It was a very nice Chinese restaurant, which I was craving like crazy.

“Are you nervous?” She asked as we waited for our food. I sipped my Pepsi, then answered her question.

“Yeah,” I answered, “They are probably going to say how big I am. It's the beginning of March, and I'm five months along. I'm only going to get bigger.”

“I bet they'll want to touch your belly. Has he or she kicked much?”

“A little,” I said, “But not much. The doctor said the baby will start to kick more now that I'm in the last leg of my second trimester. Actually, there the baby is now.”

I put my hand on my stomach, feeling the baby kick. My aunt leaned across the booth, putting her hands on my belly as well. I moved her hands around to where the baby was kicking.

When the baby did kick, Aunt Gabriella's face lit up like I didn't expect.

“Oh my God,” She said, sitting back in her seat, “Oh my God!”

I smiled at her.

“One thing I am nervous about is seeing Isaiah.”

“Have you talked much?” She asked.

“Not since I told him I was pregnant,” I said, frowning slightly, “I hope he's not mad at me.”

“He shouldn't be,” Aunt Gabriella said, “It takes two to tango, remember? You didn't roll on top of yourself to make this baby.”

“Yeah, true...”

“You don't let people down talk you, okay?” She said, “What's happened has happened, and people calling names and bad mouthing will do no good.”

“Thanks, Aunt Gabriella,” I said as the waiter approached us to ask what we wanted for dessert. I ordered a brownie with vanilla ice cream on it. Aunt Gabriella, who was full, didn't get anything.

“Are you ready?” She asked a few minutes later when the plate in front of me was empty.

“Yeah, let's get out of here,” I said, pulling on my coat.

I was extremely full too, and I knew that I was going to be able to sleep really well that night.

“You'll do fine tomorrow, Brooklyn. Promise.”

She patted my knee, and I tried to smile.

“I hope you're right,” I said.

I already had my stuff in my backpack ready to go, with my schedule and stuff. I had English, then History then Math. After lunch was study hall, then Home Economics then art.

An easy schedule.

Sophomores were supposed to take a gym class, but I was obviously in no condition to be exercising every day.

When I got home, I went up and took a shower. The walk in steam shower had several different shower heads, and the one that was on my back at the moment felt amazing.

It relaxed the tense muscles.

When I was out, I threw on my pajamas. I watched a couple of episodes of Mob Wives, then fell asleep.

I woke up entirely too early the next morning.

The baby was restless, and would not stop moving. I got out of bed, quickly making it. I went into my closet to pick out what to wear, and decided on a pretty cute outfit.

When I was done, I sat in front of the mirror and carefully straightened my hair. I had a lot of time until I had to be there.

My aunt had already gone to work, so I had the house to myself. As I got ready, I played the music loud. I wished that I wasn't as nervous as I was.

But at least my friend was going to be there.

I wouldn't have to face my baby's father and the rest of the school alone.

Finally, when I could no longer put it off, I put my stuff in my car and drove off.

Taking the long way because I still had some time, I tried to shove my nervousness away. I usually didn't care about what people thought about me, but I didn't want these people thinking I was a slut or something.

Because I wasn't.

Finally, I pulled into the parking lot. The only spot that was left was in the way back of the lot. I'd have to do a lot of walking every day, or get there earlier than I had.

I grabbed my stuff, locked my car and put my keys in my backpack.

Taking a deep breath, I made my way towards the school.
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