A Beautiful Mistake

Chapter Eleven.

It was clear that everybody knew who I was.

They knew who I was, what had happened and who it had happened with. And I mean everybody. Although everyone wasn't obvious about talking about me, I knew. Even the geeks and nerds were talking about me. I held my head high as I walked into the school. I wasn't sure if anybody was saying anything negative, but if they were I was going to show them that what they said

didn't bother me.

Because it didn't.

Pulling out the packet of information the lady gave me when I registered, I looked at the locker number that I got. I texted it to Teresa and told her to meet me there when she got a chance. I put in the locker combination, and pulled it open.


I heard Teresa calling my name after I'd hung my back pack up and pulled off my sweater and hanging it up. I easily spotted her light blonde hair in the crowd. She came up and hugged me.

"I'm so glad to see you!" She said, "That's a really cute outfit.”

“Thank you,” I said smiling, “I can't tell you how glad I am to be living with my aunt. She is so much easier to deal with than my parents.”

“Good,” Teresa said, “You need the support.”

“I know,” I nodded, “She even redid my room. You should see it! It's beautiful.”

The warning bell rang.

“Damn,” Teresa said, “What class do you have first? Let me see your schedule.”

I handed to her.

“We have first hour together, third hour, lunch and study hall,” She said, handing it back to me, “Are you ready?”

I grabbed my English stuff and followed her.

When I got there, the teacher didn't make me stand in front of the class to introduce me. She just included me in regular roll call. Maybe it was because I was pregnant and she didn't want to have to stand. Maybe she was like the teachers at my old school, and felt embarrassed.

I was glad either way.

I wasn't sure what these kids thought of me, and I didn't want to be displayed in front of them if they thought I was some kind of slut.

English passed uneventfully.

I don't know why, but when I came here I expected them all to freak out and call me names and stuff. It hadn't happened yet, though, so I was glad. So did the next class, which happened to be the only one who had a teacher that made me stand in front of the class and introduce myself. Nobody was mean, though.

In my third hour, which was another class that I had with Teresa, I found a seat in the back next to her.

“I hope your day is going easily,” She said.

“It is,” I nodded, “Nobody has said anything mean to me.”

“Did you expect them to?”

“Kind of, yeah,” I said honestly.

“I doubt that they will,” Teresa said casually.

“I hope you're right,” I said, frowning slightly.

“You know...I haven't seen Isaiah at all today.”

The father of my baby. It was strange. I wasn't used to talking about him to people who actually knew who I was. Nobody back home could relate and know who it was as well.

“I don't blame him,” I said, “I would avoid me too.”

“He's not avoiding you,” She said, “I think he had a doctors appointment this morning.”

“Are you sure?” I asked, looking her in the eye.

I hoped that she wasn't lying to protect my feelings, but I wasn't going to be mad if she was. This was a pretty touchy situation.

“Totally,” She said, and I could tell she was being honest. Teresa wasn't the type of person that could lie and get away with it.

“Okay,” I said, nodding. I sat back in my seat, setting my hands on my belly, “Oh, God am I hungry.”

“Don't worry, lunch is in twenty minutes.”

“I hope this school has good food,” I responded.

“The best,” Teresa said, “I love school food. I think they have tacos today.”

“That sounds delicious. Well...everything sounds good to me right now.”

Just then, I felt the baby move.

“Ohh, come here, come here,” I said, holding out my hand, “The baby is moving. Let me see your hand.”

She put her hand in mine, and I put her hand on my belly where the baby's feet was. I put pressure on the spot, and the baby kicked hard.

“Oh my God!” She said, pulling her hand back reflexively. Her eyes were wide with wonder. A big smile took over her face, “That was so cool.”

I smiled back at her, glad that I had made her happy.

The bell rung then, and I was glad that it was time for lunch.

“Let's get out of here,” I said, standing up and grabbing my books.

“I'm starving,” Teresa said.

I put my stuff in my locker, and she put her stuff in hers and we began the walk to the cafeteria. More people staring at me, but it had been happening to me all day so by now it didn't surprise me at all. It did make me a little self concious though.

“I'll meet you in line,” I said, “I have to go to the bathroom.”

“Sure,” Teresa said,

I branched away from her, walking into the nearest bathroom.

I really had to pee.

After I used the bathroom, I washed my hands and thought about the fact that the first half of the first day at my new school was going okay. Nobody had made fun of me, and only a couple of people said anything directly to me about being pregnant.

Hopefully they would be as accepting as Teresa.

Drying my hands, I smiled slightly.

Maybe this wouldn't be so bad.

Walking out of the bathroom, I turned the corner and ran into something hard. Before I could fall, a pair of strong hands reach forward and caught me.

“Oh..I'm sorry!” I said before I looked in the face of the person who I had bumped into. Whoever it was, was very tall.


I looked up, face to face with Isaiah himself.
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