A Beautiful Mistake

Chapter Thirteen.

"Um," I began, unsure how to respond to this very angry girl, "It's kind of late for that, don't you think?"

"Rebecca," Teresa said, cutting in before this girl could say anything else to me, "Isaiah is not your boyfriend. He hasn't been for a while, and he certainly wan't with you when Brooklyn got pregnant."

Rebecca ignored Teresa, not even looking at her when she talked. Instead, she kept her glare fixed on me.

"I'll get Isaiah back," She said nastily, "You think he wants you? He's just being nice to you because you're pregnant, and he has to deal with you for the rest of his life. But it won't come between him and I. Slut."

With that, Rebecca turned around and stalked away.

"That girl is such a psycho," Teresa said, laughing. "You don't have to worry about her, Brooklyn. I promise."

Part of me wanted to ask Isaiah if she really would get him back.

"You're probably right," I said, brushing it off, "What a nut ball."

Besides, Isaiah wasn't with me. He could get with who ever he wanted to get with. As long as they didn't interrupt his relationship with our child. I could get with someone if I wanted to, too.

Like anybody would actually want me like this.

"Well," I said, "I knew somebody would dislike me."

"Fuck her," Teresa said, "Trust me, don't let that bother you. All she wants to do is push your buttons. If you let her, she'll think she's won - she is so immature."

I smiled, realizing she was right.

"You're right," I said, then added truthfully, "I don't care what she says."

We dumped our trays and walked out of the lunch room after we'd eaten.

My next class was study hall, but Teresa had something to do for one of her other classes so she wasn't going to be there. I made my way to the library alone, which I didn't mind. Everybody - apart from Rebecca - was being really nice to me. It was helpful, and not what I expected.

I sat down in the corner of the library, at a quiet table away from every one.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw someone walking in my direction. It was Isaiah, and he looked pissed. My heart hammered in my chest. He was coming to yell at me because of Rebecca, and I knew it.

"I heard about what happened."

He said the words rather gently as he sat down across from me. I took a deep breath, relieved. It wasn't me he was mad at, but Rebecca. It was clear the sympathetic tone in his voice.

"She hates me," I said, "She really hates me."

"Don't let her bother you. She's a psycho, and we haven't been together for like seven months. She keeps trying to get back with me, but I don't want her. She's such a bitch. I'm sorry if she said anything mean to you, Brooklyn."

"She called me a slut," I mumbled, looking at the ground.

"You're not a slut," He said, "Not by a long shot."

He knows that. He'd taken my virginity.

"Thanks," I said, looking back up at him and smiling slightly.

"She's not a factor in my life. We will never get back together."

Was that relief I felt?

"Okay," I nodded.

"Other than that, how has your day gone?"

Isaiah asked this as he opened a History book and took out a worksheet.

"Good. Everybody is nice than I thought."

We chatted a little bit more as we both did some homework.

The rest of the day went by pretty good, but also slow. By the time that three pm rolled around, I was a lot less tired than I thought, But I was sure that would change the more far I got a long in my pregnancy.

I was only going to get more big than I was.

On my way home, I was pretty satisfied with my first day.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry if this is short, but I really wanted to update.

- What do you guys think of a sequel? Would you be interested in reading one? Tell me what you think, or if you have any ideas about what it would be about.