A Beautiful Mistake

Chapter Fourteen.

"And he was so nice to me, Aunt Gabriella."

I said this over dinner to my aunt. She'd asked about my first day, and how it had gone with Isaiah when I'd run into him.

"Well, of course he was. What did you expect?" Aunt Gabriella said, smiling.

"I don't know," I shrugged. "I expected him to be mad at me or something. But he wasn't. He even got mad at his ex-girlfriend for being a bitch to me. He took my side over hers."

"I would have too. That girl sounded like a pshycho."

After lunch, I'd texted my aunt and told her about what had happened with Rebecca. So far, every one agreed that the girl was kind of crazy.

"She is," I nodded.

I'd learned to not let what people say get to me, especially people like you.

"I'm glad that people are accepting you. That's what I had been worried about."

"Me too."

"And I'm glad you have Teresa."

"I know. I don't know what I would do with out her."

We chatted a while longer, and I was glad that my Aunt Gabriella and I were so much closer than my parents and I. I was glad that I had an adult like her. I wasn't sure how I would have handled the baby with the minimal amount of mental and emotional support from my parents if I had stayed there.

After dinner, we watched a movie and then I decided to go to bed.

I'd tossed and turned, having some bad dream that I wouldn't remember.

I woke up late the next morning.

I didn't have time to take a shower, and had to rush through brushing my hair, my teeth and putting on make up. Irritated by the bad start to my morning, I quickly picked out an outfit. I really hoped that I would have a good day.

When I pulled into the school parking lot, it was three minutes before the warning bell would ring. I managed to find a close-ish parking spot, rushed to lock it and walk into the school. Teresa was waiting by my locker when I got there.

"Where have you been?" She asked. I hung my backpack up just as the warning bell had rung. My belly had slowed me down a lot this morning, otherwise I would have been earlier getting there.

"I woke up late," I said, frowning. I grabbed my stuff for first hour.

"Are you alright?" She asked, concerned.

"Just cranky, I guess," I answered, walking with her. "I've gained more weight."

"Don't worry about it, hun. You're supposed to."

"I know, I just wished it wasn't this early I was this heavy," I said, frowning.

"You're gorgeous."

I couldn't help but smile up at her.

"Thank you."

Despite the scary dream that I didn't remember, and that I'd woken up late and was almost late, I had a feeling that today might just turn out to be not so bad. The first hour of the day seemed about the same as the day before. Nice and boring.

After first hour, I returned to my locker to get the rest of my stuff. I saw Rebecca at the end of the hall. I looked at her, daring her to say something. If possible, she looked more mad than she had been yesterday.

It was my guess that Isaiah had told her what he had told me; that they were never going to be together again. She said nothing to me and kept on walking to a group of equally slutty looking girls at the other end of the hall.

I rolled my eyes.

I was going to be a mother, and I had much bigger things to worry about then what a bunch of shallow, fake blonde, mini-skirt wearing whores had to think about me. I wasn't about to let them be a factor in my life.

When I was at my locker between second and third period, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see Isaiah standing behind me.

"Good morning," He said.

"Good morning," I said back to him, smiling.

"How are you?" He asked.

"I'm alright," I answered. There were people looking at us, and I was sure some of those people were Rebecca and her friends. I didn't care, though. What was I supposed to do? Not talk to him? That couldn't happen. "Just...heavy. How are you?"

"I'm good. I think my parents might want to meet you soon. Would that be okay?"

Things felt so awkward between us. I wasn't sure what was okay to say to him and what wasn't. Did he want me to meet his parents? I thought for a minute, not sure to respond.

"I mean, if it's okay with you I wouldn't mind meeting your parents," I finally said. For some guys, meeting their parents was a big deal. For others, it didn't mean much. I wasn't sure what it meant for Isaiah.

"For sure," He said.

Was that a good sign?

"I'll talk to my parents and let you know."

"Okay," I said, nodding.

He bid me goodbye and told me he'd talk to me later. I was glad that we were getting along as well as we were.

I hoped things would stay that way.
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I hope you like this!
Sorry it has taken so long to update.
Tell me what you think?
I still am not sure about making a sequel.