A Beautiful Mistake

Chapter Fifteen.

"I wish they would stop staring at me."

I frowned, looking at my aunt as she pushed the cart through the grocery side of Wal-Mart. Everybody was eyeing my, gaze stopping briefly at my face and quickly traveling to my belly.

It was the older ones doing it. Most of the teenagers I saw went to my school and already knew who I was. I felt the glare of a lady a few feet down the aisle of cereal from us. I reached onto my tiptoes, grabbing the Waffle Crisps.

"It's alright, honey," Aunt Gabriella said, grabbing the cereal from me as I handed it to her and put it in the cart. "Ignore their rudeness."

She said the last part loud enough for the woman to hear her, and she had an offended look on her face before she shuffled angrily past us and out of the aisle. I couldn't help but giggle. Just because they thought something negative about me didn't mean it had to ruin my day.

"I'm glad that you're not letting what people say and think about you get to you, Brooklyn. I'm proud of you for that."

"Thank you," I said, smiling at her.

We continued to shop, making small talk about a school and her job among other things. It was Friday after my last day of my first week, and it had gone pretty smoothly. I was glad for that - I couldn't handle a crappy week. I had some homework to do, but other than that I didn't have any plans.

Teresa had some family plans, other wise we might have hung out or something. That was okay with me. I found that a weekend relaxing at my new home would do me good.

Rubbing my hand over my stomach, I thought of my baby. He or she was sleeping now, taking a break from the moving and kicking the baby would sometimes do if he or she was awake.

"Ready to get out of here?" Aunt Gabriella asked as we put the last of our things on our list into the cart. My feet were starting to hurt, as I had been on them all day.

"Yeah, let's go," I said, my stomach grumbling. We were going to make tacos tonight and I couldn't wait. I had been eating so much lately, it was a surprise I hadn't gained more weight than I did.

I already felt like a tub of lard, and I knew it was only going to get worse.

We got home, and I helped her unload and put away the groceries. She kicked me out of the kitchen so she could cook (I wasn't allowed to help.) I went upstairs and decided to take a bath, since I knew she took her time when she cooked.

The bath felt amazing, and I dimmed the lights and lit some candles so I could relax to the maximum. It took the pressure off my feet, and the hot water helped ease the pain in the muscles in my feet and my back.

When I got out, I dressed in black yoga pants, and a long sleeved blue Hollister shirt. I brushed out my hair, and washed my face. Before going downstairs, I put on slippers and put my hair into a bun.

"This looks delicious," I said, sitting down across from her. I made three tacos, and I ate them all. After dinner, I helped her clean up. She wouldn't let me do the dishes, though. After dinner, I went upstairs to do some homework.

I thought about Isaiah, and I wondered what he was doing. Probably out partying somewhere. Everybody loved him. He was a really popular guy. I was glad he wasn't being an ass to me. He was the father to my child, and I needed him to be there for my child and I.

Feeling sleepy earlier then usual, I crawled into bed.

I fell into a deep, dreamless sleep.
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Sorry it took so long to update!
I'm glad I only lost one subscriber.
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