A Beautiful Mistake

Chapter Two.

Tap, tap, tap.

Brooklyn's half inch Chanel heels tapped again and again against the cold linoleum floor of the doctors office. She crossed my arms, scowling at the ground. Brooklyn didn't want to be here. Sje knew she was pregnant, but she guessed her mom wasn't so easily convinced.

“Stop slouching, it's bad for your posture.”

Katherine Carlyle hissed this statement her daughters ear. Brooklyn straightened up, but rolled her eyes. Her mother had been in the most foul mood since she told her that she was pregnant. Granted, the bad mood was warranted, but it was irritating to deal with.

A homely looking nurse stuck her head out of the door and smiled into the waiting room.

“Brooklyn Carlyle?” She asked.

Brooklyn and her mother stood up simultaneously as the nurse called the teenagers name. They followed her down the hallway, to the right into a slightly cramped examining room where the two of them faced the nurse.

“First, we'll weigh you and take down your height. Then, you'll take the urine test. If you are pregnant, we'll give you an ultrasound to determine how for along the baby is, and if he or she is healthy.”

The nurse was speaking not to Brooklyn, but to her mother. She must have assumed that she was the one who was pregnant. While she didn't say anything at first, Katherine Carlyle rolled her eyes.

“I am not the one who is here for the pregnancy test,” Katherine huffed.

The nurse, slightly shocked, turned to the only other person in the room. Brooklyn glared at the ground, a little embarrassed right now.

“You think you're pregnant?”

“Yes,” Brooklyn said quickly.

The nurses attitude changed rather quickly, from nice to a little bit hostile. If Brooklyn was the type of person who cared what somebody thought her, she would be worrying like crazy of what was going through this nurse's head. But she had bigger shit to deal with right now, and wasn't going to let some random nurse make her feel bad about her self.

She weighed and took down Brooklyn's height, and then she was ushered into a small bathroom to pee in a cup. She really didn't think this was neccesary. She could feel the difference in her body; she knew she was pregnant.

Why wouldn't her mother believe her?

Maybe she didn't want to believe her. There was no doubt in Brooklyn's mind that although her mother didn't say it, she was disappointed in her. Two rich, mogul parents and now she was pregnant.

When she was done, she shoved the cup in the metal compartment and walked back to the examining room. The nurse was still there, and her mother was sitting down in the chair by the corner.

“I'll be back in a couple of minutes,” The nurse said when Brooklyn told her she had successfully pee'd in a cup. When she had left the room, and the door closed behind her, her mother spoke.

“What are you going to do, Brooklyn?”

The question was exasperated, as if she'd been dying to say this for a while. Brooklyn frowned. This information had only been in her head less than three full days, how should she know what she was going to do?

“I don't know,” She replied, pressing her lips together in a tight line to keep from crying. Again. Brooklyn was usually tougher than this, but the past three days, all she had been doing was crying.

But she wasn't going to do it in front of her mother.

It was a weakness thing. No way.

The nurse came back into the room, frowning.

“You are pregnant, Miss Carlyle. If you lie back, I'll do the ultrasound.”

The woman's voice was bitter. Even her mother and father hadn't been being this cold to her. Taking in a deep breath, she did as the woman asked her to and laid back. The nurse pulled Brooklyn's shirt up and applied that blue, ultra cold goo to her belly.

She turned the ultrasound machine on, pressed the thing to her stomach. She swirled it around a little, looking for something.

“You are about two and a half months pregnant,” She said, “The baby is very healthy, for the age you are.”

Brooklyn was preoccupied with the image in the screen, and didn't notice the bite in the woman's words. The thing on the screen looked like a big lima bean. It was too small to really make out any features, though. You could see the head, though.

Wholy shit.

This thing was alive and real.

If Brooklyn was over whelmed before, that was nothing compared to what she felt now. It hit her like a ton of bricks, seeing her baby on the screen.

“Your baby is about two inches long, Brooklyn. That's the head. You can kind of make out the limbs, but you will be able to better see them at your next appointment, which will be in about a month or so.”

Her tone was uninterested.

“Is that...The heartbeat?”

This wasn't Brooklyn's question, but her mothers. It came out choked out, as if she was surprised at something. Brooklyn looked at her mother, but her mother was looking at the ultrasound's screen. Her lips were pursed in a tight line in a way that she only did when she was about to cry.

The teenager was surprised at this; it was rare that her mother showed emotion. And now, she was in the examining room, about to cry. And as quickly as that moment was there, it was gone. Brooklyn's mother stiffened up, blinked her tears away and acted like she hadn't just about had a break down.

“Yes,” The nurse answered, “And the heart beat is healthy as well. If you'll excuse me, I'll be back with a prescription for prenatal vitamins.”

She wiped the blue goo off, then walked out of the room. Brooklyn pulled her shirt down, then sat up and looked at her mother. Katherine Carlyle was looking at the floor, arms crossed back to her un warm self.

Brooklyn looked out the window, biting her lip. She wished that her mother wasn't like this. She just found out she was pregnant (again), and neither of her parents had said one word of comfort to her. Brooklyn understood that they were upset, or disappointed – or whatever parents felt when their teenage daughters got pregnant, but she needed some support, damn it!

But Brooklyn wasn't surprised.

Before she told her parents she was pregnant, she knew that they were probably going to think about themselves before wondering if she was okay. It was always like this, but she hoped maybe it would change.

And of course, it hadn't.

Again, Brooklyn felt like she wanted to cry. But she refused. She wasn't going to show weakness in front of her mother. The nurse came back into the room, with a bottle of prenatal vitamins and a prescription for when she ran out.

Brooklyn and her mother left, and she wanted to tell her mom 'I told you so', but she know she'd only snap with some bitchy retort. And Brooklyn didn't need that. She got back in her white Bentley, shoved her seat belt on and leaned her head against the cool glass of the window.

She held the bottle of prenatal vitamins, the prescription and the ultrasound pictures. Brooklyn didn't want to look at them, to be honest. It was too hard for her to look at them right now. She hadn't yet grasped the idea of her having a baby, and the pictures just made everything so real.

As time went on, she was sure that would change.

When they got home, her mom went into the kitchen and Brooklyn stalked to her room.

She threw on some pajamas, and crawled into bed.

With the stress of everything going around her, it didn't take long for her to be fast asleep.
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