A Beautiful Mistake

Chapter Four.

I woke up again somewhere around noon.

Feeling completely relaxed, I sat up in my bed and stretched. I was glad that school was closed – I needed a day off. Nine months would do me well, too but I knew that wasn't going to happen. Feeling rather chilly, I layered up in long johns, Love Pink sweat pants, a t-shirt and a hoodie.

I took my time to make my bed. Being by myself was exactly what I needed today. Dealing with high school students would do me no good. I had bigger things to worry about. I decided to go to bookstore and get some pregnancy books.

I didn't care about my appearance much today, so I just threw my hair into a ponytail and didn't bother with make-up. I grabbed my keys, slipped on my coat and shoes and was out of the door. I chose a bookstore that was a little out of my way and too sophisicated for any of the kids at my school to be caught dead in.

Scanning the shelves, I wondered what books I should get. Some were on giving birth. Others were on what to do when problems occurred in your pregnancy. There were baby name book, along with many others. I ended up getting:

The Pregnancy Journal
The Pregnancy Bible
The Mother of All Baby Books and
The Baby Name Wizard

When I brought the books up to the counter to pay, I avoided eye contact with the cashier. I didn't know how to handle people knowing I was pregnant just yet. My parents knew, sure, but they were different.

“Your change is 15.45,” She said, giving me the change back from the hundred dollar bill I had given her. Unable to read her tone, I mumbled a thank you and grabbed my bag to walk out of the store. I threw the bag in the back seat, under my seat and got in the front.

Done with that ordeal, I defiantly needed a pick me up.

I drove to my favorite cafe, a creatively decorated place called Roast & Toast. I went in, wondering what I would get today. I pulled my scarf a little bit more snug around my neck, looking around the dimly lit cafe.

“I'll have a peppermint hot chocolate,” I said to the cashier.

“Size?” He asked.

“Large, please,” I answered.


I turned around and noticed one of the girls in my grade. Her name was Sara, who was a little bit older than me. She was sitting with her boyfriend, sharing a bagel. She got up to come greet me.

“Who are you here with?” She asked with a friendly smile.

“By myself,” I told her.

“You're old enough to drive?”

I shrugged sheepishly, “No, I'm not. But it's not like I'm going to get caught or anything.”

“Brooklyn!” The guy who made the drinks called my name, setting the drink down on the counter with my receipt.

“I got to go,” I said, “But it was nice seeing you.”

“Yeah, see you at school,” Sara answered back.

I grabbed my drink and got out of there.

For some reason, having the pregnancy books in my locked car made me paranoid and not wanting to run into anybody that I knew, like somehow they would know that I had gotten them. I knew it was unreasonable, but I couldn't help it.

When I got back home, I found a message on the answering machine that was from my parents. They said that they were going to be working late, until seven. That they needed to speak with me, and we were going to have dinner at seven at a restaurant downtown and they would pick me up at seven fifteen.

For some reason, I felt really tired. I took a long nap, and didn't wake up until almost three.

The rest of the day went by pretty simply. I ate, watched TV, and finished some homework. Around six thirty, I decided to start getting ready. I showered and dressed in [link=http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=40377006 ]this, then did my hair by curling it slightly. When my parents pulled up the door, I pulled my scarf on, put on my shoes and grabbed my purse before walking out of the door.

“How was your day off?” My father asked as I got into the back seat.

“Relaxing,” I said, “I got some pregnancy books.”

They both winced, and I rolled my eyes. They were going to have to get used to talking about this. There was going to do a lot of talking about this. They didn't respond to what I said, which didn't surprise me. But brushing this pregnancy under the rug was going to accomplish nothing.

Ready or not, this baby was going to be here when I was due.

So why not get ready?

We got to the restaurant still in silence.

I ordered my food, pondering why they were acting so strange.

“What's up with you guys?” I asked.

They looked in between each other. I frowned.

“Okay, why did you want to talk to me?” I rephrased the question.

My father took a deep breath.

Here it comes.

“In the beginning of March, when you have winter break...”

I did the math in my head. I'd be about six months pregnant.

“We talked to your Aunt, and you're going to go live with her.”
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Hope you liked! (: