A Beautiful Mistake

Chapter Five.

I sat back in my seat, processing this information. Somehow, it didn't surprise me that they were doing this to me. Shoving me off on someone else. It didn't hurt my feelings, but it bothered me.


It was the only word that came out of my mouth. I pursed my lips, waiting for an answer. My mother and father looked between each other, as if they hadn't anticipated this question of mine. When they said nothing, I asked another question.

"Are you not equipped to help me take care of an infant?"

I wasn't going to come out and say that I could do it all by myself. Because the chances were, I probably couldn't. I was fifteen, for Christ's sake.

"Of course not," My mother said, sounding almost offended. But I didn't really care. It was an honest question.

"Then why?" I asked, narrowing my eyes.

My father stepped in before this escalated.

"We just think your Aunt Gabriella would be better at dealing with this. She's more equipped than your mother and I are. Not that your mother and I are not equipped."

"So?" I huffed, "Maybe I don't want to move."

"Plus, doesn't the father live in Austin?"

That was kind of a low blow.

"Whatever. Fine. I'll go."

I get along better with my aunt anyway. She actually pays attention to me. I knew my parents cared and loved me, but they didn't always show it when they show. The rest of dinner went with out incident. I could have easily caused a scene, but I didn't.

Maybe this would end up being a good thing.

"Did you save room for desert?" The waiter asked.

My eyes lit up slightly, and I swear I saw my dad smile out of the corner of my mouth.

"I think somebody did," He answered, "What would you like, Brooklyn?"

"The brownie sundae, please. Just a small one."

I quickly ate it as my parents paid for the bill. It was so good. Maybe that was the pregnancy hormone/cravings talking.

We went home and I made my way up to my room, feeling tired for some reason. I'd had a lot of thoughts and concerns creep into my mind lately. Emotionally, I was exhausted. I was prepared for the emotional exhaustion at all.

Then again, I wasn't prepared for any of it.

What fifteen year old was?

I started thinking about leaving as I laid down to sleep that night. My aunt was probably going to welcome me with open arms. That was going to feel nice. I needed that. I'd have to start a new school, that might be hard.

I'd be about five months pregnant when I moved schools. Could I hide it in this school for that long?
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