A Beautiful Mistake

Chapter Eight.

The lady next to me was giving me a strange look.

Like she was irritated that she had to sit in the same row as someone like me. I was sitting by the window, and her by the aisle with any empty seat between us. But I was too irritated and too tired to care.

My back hurt; my feet hurt. I'd gained five pounds in a week. I didn't want to be traveling because I had no energy. My lack of care when it came to what people thought combined with my bad attitude made it impossible for me to worry about how this woman was judging me.

I'm fifteen and pregnant.

Mind your own business.

I was wearing black leggings, black Ugg boots and a dark pink, long sleeved Hollister shirt. I had been wearing a black vest, but the plane was warm so I took it off and put it on the seat between the rude woman and myself.

My black hair hung in neat curls around my shoulders, having made itself (somehow) look good when I woke up this morning. When we were at a safe height in the air, I turned my iPhone back on and put it in airplane mode so I could listen to music.

I already knew that I was going to be exhausted when I got to my Aunt Gabriella later that night. I wasn't sure why I was so tired. Maybe it was the crappy weather when I left this morning. It was rainy and just cold.

The goodbye I had said to my parents was short, but semi sweet.

I knew they loved me; they just didn't always show it when I needed them to, and I'd accepted that.

"Would you like something to eat or drink, ma'am?" The flight attendant asked, smiling.

"Orange juice and animal crackers, please," I asked.

Just because I was in a bad mood doesn't mean I should take it out on this poor woman. She was being so polite to me. I'd feel bad if I was rude to her for no reason.

She handed me the cold drink and my snack, and moved onto the next person. I turned my music back on, sat back and enjoyed the scenery as we flew over various cities. Flying was never something that scared me, except for in the first few minutes of the very first flight I went on when I was seven years old.

But after that, I loved it.

Seeing all the cities - especially the beautiful city lights at night - was a wonderful sight. Along with being above the clouds, and being able to see just how big the world was. My eyes were glued out the window.

The view was so gorgeous.

"Could you buckle your seatbelt, ma'am? We're about to land."

There was the perky flight attendant again. I smiled, and complied. I turned off my phone, wrapped my headphones up and put them in my bag. I was ready to be off of this flight. The seat was making my sore back even more sore.

Although, I was in a better mood than I had been in.

"You may unbuckle your seat belts. We have landed," Another attendant said over the intercom, "Thank you for flying with American Airlines, and welcome to Austin, Texas."
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Sorry, I know it's short.
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