A Beautiful Mistake

Chapter Nine.

My aunt swept me up in her arms as soon as she saw me, kissing all over my face. She'd seen me just five months ago, but so much had happened. So much had changed.

It felt good to have somebody really there for me emotionally like I needed it. I buried my face in her good smelling sweater, feeling like a kid comforted by her mother for a scraped knee. It was just what I needed.

"Come on, let's get you back to my house," She said, "Those airplane seats can't have been good for your back, dear."

"I'm sick of traveling," I said as she took my bag with out asking.

"I don't blame you, especially with that belly," She said, smiling at me.

Her optimism surprised me.

People just hadn't been nice to me, and it was like kicking me when I was down. I wasn't depressed or anything close to it, but it would be nice to have the moral support that I so desperately needed.

When we got back to her house in about forty five minutes of high traffic driving, she shoo'd me into the kitchen while she went upstairs to put my bag into my room. On the marble island in the counter, sat a big plate of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies.

I grinned.

Grabbing a cookie, I went into the fridge and got a cup of milk.

"I had your room redone," My aunt said as she appeared at the doorway of the kitchen.

"You didn't have to do that..." I said, very flattered.

"It's no problem!" My aunt said, waving away what I'd said, "I enjoyed having the interior decorator over. Come on, I'll show you."

I put my empty glass in the dishwasher and followed her.

She showed me the second biggest room, and I was flabbergasted. It was huge. It was decorated beautifully. I had a huge queen sized bed, beautiful furniture in that room and a huge flat screen TV on the wall with a bunch of movies in a case blow it.

On the left side of the TV was a door that led to a big bathroom, with a walk in steam shower and a hot tub like tub. There was pink and white tiles, and pink and pink towels and rugs.

On the right side of the TV was a door that led to a walk in closet. It had all my clothes organized and hung up.

There was one more door that was off to the right of my bed, and when I looked in it I noticed it was an average sized room, but empty.

"What...?" I asked.

"It's going to be a nursery," She said, her eyes lighting up.

"Oh my God!" I said, "I love this! I love everything!"

I hugged her hard.

"Do you really?"

"Of course!" I said, "I'm in love with this room."

"Good, honey," She said, "I'm glad that you feel so welcome. I've made an appointment with a doctor tomorrow so you have one here. I hope that's okay?"

"Yeah, that's fine," I answered, "Thank you so much, Aunt Gabriella."

"I love you," She said, kissing my forehead, "No problem."

"I love you, too," I said, "I do have one question."

"What's that?"

"Why are you being so nice?" I asked.

She sat down on the bed, patting the spot next to her. I sat down as well.

"It's not a lie that you're going through a lot, Brooklyn. It's going to be very difficult to be a mother at such a young age. Although it would have been smarter to wait, there is no use wishing you would have waited. What's done is done. Being negative will do no good, and you need as much support as you can get. I'm on your side, and I've been on your side. Especially now, when you need me the most."

It was such a relief to have her.

I hugged her, almost crying.

We stayed up for a long time talking, and I was now glad that I'd come here. Except for the fact that I would have to face my baby's father. It wouldn't be easy seeing him. I hoped that he wasn't angry at me.

Did he blame me for ruining his life?

"It's getting late, Brooklyn," She said somewhere around one in the morning, "Maybe we should both get some sleep?"

"Good idea," I said, "Good night, Aunt Gabriella."

"Good night, honey."

I slept well that night. I know I had that emotional support that I so desperately needed.
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I hope you like this chapter!(:
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