Status: Completed!

A Lifetime to Struggle

Moving Out.

“What are you doing?” Brian asked. His eyes were red and puffy, a clear sign that he had been crying.
“Did you cheat on me Brian?” I asked.
Brian hung his head down, and shook it side to side. “No. I would never do that to you. I couldn’t do that to you.”
“Then please, explain to me who Amanda is, and why she’s calling you and sending you pictures.” I asked.
“I told you, she’s a girl from a long time ago.” He replied. His voice was cracking, and weak. He couldn’t do this.
“Obviously you two have some unfinished business.” I replied.
“Harmony, I love you. I don’t tell just any girl that I love them, so when I tell you, I mean it with everything in me. You’re my life, my everything. I need you to be here with me. I’ve felt things I didn’t know I could feel, all because you showed me how. You put up with me for years and have made me the happiest man alive. I want the chance to make it all up to you, to return the favour and make you happy. Please, please don’t leave me.” Brian dropped down to his knees, the tears freely flowing from his eyes. My heart crumbled completely. Here I am, breaking Brian’s heart. A heart I worked so hard to keep happy.
“I don’t think we’re ready for this.” I said. “I think we—I think we jumped into this too early. We’re still young, and as you’ve shown, we still want to experiment with different people, and do different things—“
“I want to be with you Harmony, I’m sure of that.” Brian sobbed.
“I can’t trust you Brian!” I exclaimed.
I didn’t want this. I wanted us to be happy, and back to how things used to be. I wanted us to be friends, and laugh and talk about the stupidest things. I wanted the normality we once had. I didn’t want to see him on the floor, pouring his eyes out and begging for forgiveness. It crushed me to see that I caused him that amount of pain.
But he did it to me as well. He turned on me, went behind my back because I wasn’t good enough for him. He made me feel worthless, and not special like he once claimed I was.
“You love me Harmony. I know you do. You can’t just leave.” Brian stated.
“But I can.” I replied.
“Tell me you love me.”
I opened my mouth to say those three words, but stopped. It would only eat away at both of us. It would be a cliff hanger that would never be finished.
“I can’t.” I replied.
“So that’s it then?” Brian asked. “You’re just going to walk out that door?”
I nodded. The tears fell from my eyes. My heart raced, and my blood bubbled.
“And what are you gonna do Harmony?” Brian asked. “We’re the only family you have.”
I sighed and shook my head. “I don’t know what I’m going to do Brian. But I know what I have to do right now.”
“And what’s that?” He looked up at me. His brown eyes almost black, and tears pouring down his face.
“I’m leaving.” I whispered.
The words seemed as though the stabbed Brian in the chest fifty fucking times. He brought his head to the floor, and started grabbing his chest. No sounds, or words came from him. He just rocked his body back and forth.
“I’m sorry.” I reached into my pocket, and pulled out the beautiful diamond ring Brian had given me. I smiled sadly at it, while my mind threw every single memory of Brian and I together at me. I clutched the part on my chest where my heart was. I could feel it breaking; A pain to strong for me to bear.
I put the ring on the flat part of the hand rail for the stairs, and picked up my bag.
“When I walk out that door, Brian,” I stated. “I’m not coming back.”
I waited for him to say something, anything. But he just looked at me and shook his head.
My heart bursted into a million pieces at that moment. The look on Brian’s face was one I’ve never seen before, and never wanted to see again. He was in utter despair, and full of regret.
I couldn’t handle it anymore. I opened the door, taking one last glace at Brian, before I shut the door, and left the house completely.
♠ ♠ ♠
And there you have it. The end.
Thank you all for being such amazing readers! I loved every single one of you comments! You have me motivation to finish my first full story! I'm so happy!
I will have the sequel up tonight probably, seeing as i'm lying in bed all day! It's going to be called 'A Past To Repeat It's self' Make sure to check it out if you want to see what happens!
Thank you again, and I love you all so much!