Status: Active


Still Together, Still Going Strong

It had been a year since Nick passed away on that small hospital bed, and ever since then my life has been empty. I moved out of Miley’s house, and started staying at this cheap ass apartment, that was probably infested with cockroaches and other nasty things. I was still working at the strip club. It didn’t even bother me anymore; to have people judge me, to be looked down upon.

It was my life now, and I was fine with it.

Currently, I was standing on side of the stage just waiting for my dance song to come on. Once the familiar beat started, I put on my fake sexy smile, and flirted with everyone with my body language. I heard the cat calls, but I ignored them as usual.

By the end of my song, I was panting, and I could practically smell the sexual tension from the air out in the crowd. It would have been invigorating, knowing that so many men found me attractive. But I just ended up feeling dirty and used.

After my number was finished, I went backstage and sat down to catch my breath.

“I don’t get how you make them fall in love instantly.” Kelly said, and sat down next to me. I just shrugged in response. It wasn’t as if it was something that I had done. I just happened to be good looking to them.

“I’m gonna get a drink, do you want anything?” I asked her after a few minutes of sitting there in silence.

She just shook her head, “Be careful out there!” She gave a big smile and laughed. I told her I would and I went over to the bar.

“Hey Hadley.” Spencer, the bartender, said after giving some guy his beer.

“Hi Spencer. Could I have a Mango Tango?” I asked, getting my favorite fruity drink. Spencer just laughed and started making my drink.

It was the perfect combination of mango juice and rum that made my mouth scream in pleasure. I had a fake ID so I could work and drink here which worked out perfectly. It was only a year until I turned 20, so it wasn’t insanely illegal.

Once Spencer gave me my drink I sat on the bar stool and watched the crowd. I saw a couple of guys sitting in a circle, and looking over at me, and then they would laugh whenever I looked over. I rolled my eyes, and started looking at other people. The image of patient wives just wondering where there husbands were, it made me sick to think that they were here instead of being there.

Obviously it wasn’t like that with every guy here, but I can guarantee that some of them are the exact scenario.

I took a sip of my drink, and almost moaned in pleasure. Spencer had outdone himself this time!

As I took another drink I nearly coughed it up and choked, as my breath got caught in my throat. I saw a man standing over by the door, but he wasn’t just a man. My heart started beating frantically as my eyes ran over his well built body. His stunning green eyes met mine and it was as if my world completely stopped. For some reason I would do absolutely anything for him, and I have absolutely no clue why.

Out of no where he let out a howl, and it was extremely wolf-like. About half of the other men in the club let out the same animalistic roar, and I started shaking in fear.

“What the fuck?” I muttered, confused to as why and how they were making so much noise. But suddenly it went deathly quiet. Even the other customers along with the dancers were quiet, and the large group of howlers looked highly antsy.

“Kill them all. Except the girl.”

I let out a scream as a huge wolf pounced from behind one of the men that howled, and I tried to sprint away. From behind me, I could hear bones cracking, and men screaming in pain. I felt sick to my stomach, knowing that everyone in here was going to die, including myself.

I suddenly stopped right in my tracks.

Why was I running?

I officially had ruined every good thing in my life, so it wasn’t as if I had anything to fight for. But all of these other people did. These people with wives, and children, and other priorities.

Just because they were at some slimy strip club does not mean they meant to die…

Kelly popped into my head, and I almost puked everywhere, because she didn’t deserve to die. Monica did, but that’s besides the point…

I turned back around to view the gruesome scene before me, and I ripped of the stilettos I was wearing. With a huge intake of breath, I grabbed the fire extinguisher next to me, and went charging back into the chaos.

I slammed the extinguisher into the head of a wolf as he was about to take a bit out of Spencer’s face, and the wolf let out a whine.

“Get the fuck away from him!” I yelled, and then went charging at other wolves.

Out of no where, I was knocked off my feet, and a huge black wolf stood above me. I quivered in fear of its large body, but I kept my face stoic. I tried shoving the wolf off me, but I got no where.

Why was I not lunch meat already?

The black wolf was just waiting for me to look at it, and I starting looking right into its green eyes. My breath got caught in my throat, and my heart sped up.

Those eyes… so stunning. I knew that it was the man that had started the howling fest, and gave the order to kill everyone.

My heartbeat started to ram against my ribs, and my hands tried to shove him off me again. He stepped off, and I scrambled up trying to run away.

The wolf let out the loudest howl I’ve ever heard in my entire life, and I screamed in fear.

And the next moment I was on the floor, with a large bite mark on my shoulder, and blood flowing free as a river. The world was completely black around me as I thought my last thoughts to myself.

’Nick, I’m coming baby brother.’
♠ ♠ ♠
So, hi. My names Kirsten and I totally haven't written anything for about a year.


Buuuuuut if anyone even reads this, I'll be making it up to you all.

There will be like 3 new chapters up tonight to make it up to you.


P.S. If you think you've read this before, you might have. I am rewriting it because it sucked before. Plus I am going to be using all of the tips you guys give me. So please, help a sista out :)