Status: Active


I've Been Beaten Down, I've Been Kicked Around

“Are you planning on ever coming out of this room?” Finn asked me, coming into the room that I had been in ever since my arrival. I was still wrapped up in the purple blanket that served as my shield from the real world.

I shook my head shyly, “I’d rather not…” I wouldn’t admit it openly, but I was terrified to leave this room. The burning sensation of something not being right about this was starting to make me feel sick.

“Well, can you at least take a shower? You stink.” Finn made a face that showed his disgust and I tried to hide my smile. I took a quick armpit sniff, making Finn burst into guffaws. I didn’t stink, that little shit.

“Do I actually have to leave this room?” I asked, not letting my underlying nervousness show.

Finn nodded, “Yeah, to get to the bathroom. Why?”

I bit my lip, “To be honest, I’m kind of scared of coming out of this room. You’re the only wolf I’ve met that doesn’t make me pee my pants in fear.”

“I’ll be with you the entire time, don’t worry.”

I raised an eyebrow, “Even when I’m in the shower?”

“Definitely then.” He winked, and I giggled a little. I should feel more comfortable with him, but there was something holding me back… And it probably was myself.

Why wasn’t I comfortable around him? It was a little nerve-wracking knowing that he was a werewolf, but I didn’t think he’d hurt me. I think the nervousness came from the fact that I had a small crush on him, and he could tear me to pieces with a blink of an eye.

Fuck it.

I was past the crush point.

Impossible as it may be, I was practically pregnant with how positive I was, that I definitely liked him. Finn was sweet, caring, and he knew how to make me laugh. It was a weird feeling actually laughing a real laugh.

How lame am I? Very.

But there was something else that made me nervous. It was the fact that he killed so many people without even a thought… I tried to push it out of my mind, because I just wanted to enjoy the happiness he gave me. Finn was the first person to put a proper smile on my face for the past year, and I just wanted 5 more minutes of it before I screwed it all up.

Finn started laughing at me randomly and I gave him an odd look, “What?” I asked.

“You realize that when you have conversations in your head your face matches whatever you’re thinking about, right?” He said, smirking at me. I smacked my palm into my forehead as I knew exactly what he was taking about.

I blushed a beetroot red, “Aw, fuck.” Nick used to make fun of me for hours because I looked like a total tool doing it. After he’d see me doing it, Nick would just talk in a really girly voice trying to pretend he knew exactly what I was saying.

Finn winked, “Don’t worry babe, I won’t tell.”

“What was I thinking about then?” I asked, figuring he really didn’t know what I was talking about.

“You wanna have shower sex, duh.” He stated as if I was stupid for not remembering my own thoughts. Oh he wishes, but there was no way I’d just have sex with him. No matter how attractive he was.

Okay.. well maybe I’d break that rule. Just once. Once! I swear.

Even in my own mind I knew how unconvincing that sounded

I chuckled, “Whatever, pretty boy. Take me to the shower.” I jumped out of the nice safe bed I had grown to love, and I grimaced as the ice cold floor shot icicles up my body. I walked over towards where Finn was standing, and patiently waited for him to lead the way.

Finn obliged and I was standing inside the large bathroom, staring in awe. He was about to close the door and leave me in there, but I stopped him.

“Wait!” I said, before thinking it through, “Will you stay in here? In the least sexual way possible.”

Finn looked at me with understanding, “Sure. You go ahead and get in the shower, I’ll have one of the girls here grab some clothes for you.”

I stepped in the shower with all of my clothes on, and then took them off before starting the water. The water was steaming hot, and Finn just kept a strangely casual conversation with me as I showered. I was finished with cleaning everything, but now I was just enjoying the heat of the water beating on my bare back.

In one moment of silence my mind started wandering. It had wandered onto the thought of Finn actually being in this shower with me. It made me feel actually really dirty knowing that he was less than a foot away from me, and the only thing I could imagine was his hot body against mine.

I bit my lip as I thought about him touching me, kissing me, and just being with me. Just the thought of him was driving me near insanity. I could practically feel his hands touching my body, from my shoulders down to my hips. His hot kisses leaving a burning trail down my body, only stopping right before he reached the one spot I wanted him most…

Through the shower curtain I could hear Finn start panting.

“Fuck, Hadley. You smell so damn good.” He moaned out the sentence, and I smiled slightly. Imagine if just thinking about this could make him go crazy, then what if I actually tried my hardest to seduce him.

“What about it?” I asked, attempting innocence. Because it was kind of embarrassing to be caught thinking sexual things in the shower with a guy you’ve just met, and he knows… But hell, I knew that he’d be thinking the same exact things if the situation was switched.

Finn let a growl escape his lips, and I grinned in excitement. His growl sending tingles straight down to where I was already tingly from him. There was something sexy about a growl, that made me feel like he could make me feel like no one else could in bed.

Thinking about him made my entire body go insane. And thinking about him touching me, thinking about him wanting me, thinking about his body, was just about enough to send me into a whirlwind of sexual desire.

Finn let another loud growl pass his lips, but this one was much louder and much more feral. I heard the door slam open and closed as he ran out.

Maybe it wasn’t what I thought. Did I smell that bad…? I looked to the floor in embarrassment, but quickly got out of the shower. I looked at the clothes, and they were pretty cute. Just a simple pair of jeans, and a off the shoulder top. I pulled the clothes on quickly, and ran my fingers through my long blonde hair. I didn’t bother with makeup, because I found it pointless.

I attempted to walk as quietly as I could out of the bathroom to try and find out where Finn had gone. I walked down the stairs, and then down one of the hallways. I was lost, but I could hear some laughter and talking so I followed my ears.

I entered a living room of sorts, and I looked at all of the people. There were at least 12 people here, and it was making me nervous.

Were they all werewolves? Did they want to kill me?’

“Hi.” I squeaked, looking like a wide eyed doe.

“Aw! She’s so cute!” One of the girls screamed, and I blushed. I felt so damn awkward. I hated being thought of as cute, but it was a nice compliment I suppose.

“Thanks, I guess. Do any of you know where Finn went? I was in the shower and he kind of just ran off…” I muttered. I was hoping that they didn’t know what went on in the shower, but odds are they did.

Everyone looked at each other, and burst out laughing. I was confused, because I really had no clue why they were laughing at me.

“He’s in the backyard, but I think it’d be best for you to give him some time.” One of the older girls laughed.

“Why?” I asked.

“Well… let’s just say he’s going through a hard time.” A guy snorted, and others chuckled after him.

A loud burst of laughter escaped my lips once I realized what they were talking about.

“Oh boy.” I said, planning evilly in my head. Even though I thought Finn was drop dead sexy, I still didn’t feel comfortable with the fact that he killed so many people.

I knew exactly how I was going to get the hell out of here.