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A Lesson Never Learned

And now we're dating

After telling James that nothing was going on between me and Austin I decided it would be a good idea to get an early night, but unfortunately for me, it wouldn't be.

As soon as all the gear was loaded in and everyone was on the correct busses and out of the venue, I was about to go join them on the bus to get some well earned rest when I heard Austin call my name..oh god.

"Yeah?" I turned and couldn't help but smile at the tall man bounding towards me "Uhm, can I ask you something?" he said quietly, I smiled "Well you kinda just did" I giggled "But go on" He grinned "Well, it's about the other day, I mean, I don't really sleep around you know so that was weird for me but I do really like you so I uh, wondered if you wanted to go on a date sometime?" He rushed, half looking at the floor, half glancing up at me. I smiled looking at his adorable expression..but..I couldn't do that to him when I had a crush on James..wait..I have a crush on James? But isn't he babysitting that merch chick? Fuck. I was about to explain to Austin that we didn't know each other enough and my brother would be unhappy when I saw it. James creeping off OM&M's bus and kissing Jeanette goodnight..well more like, being forced to kiss her, so I turned back to Austin and smiled "Yeah, I'd love to Austin."

He grinned like a child before wrapping his arms round me and pulling me into a hug, I hugged him back the best I could whilst feeling guilty that I kinda had a thing for James.. Dammit.

He kissed my forehead before climbing onto his bus, I hit my head on the side of our bus before stepping onto it and retreating to my bunk for sleep..the only thing was, I wouldn't sleep, there was too much on my mind, James, did I really have a crush on him? Austin, was this the right thing to do? What would my brother do when he found out? What am I doing? eventually I fell asleep, still tossing and turning.


"I got it!" i squealed with excitement as the guy unhooked the little rubber duck from the end of my stick. For our first date, Austin and I had decided to go to a fair that was near the venue in North Carolina, and of course I had insisted on playing hook a duck. "Pick any from the top" The guy who owned the game said while gesturing to a row of cuddly toys above his head.

"Hmmmm, you pick!" I told Austin as he smiled at me "Uh, okay.. how 'bout..that one!" He replied pointing to a little nerdy bear with glasses and everything, I giggled "Perfect, that one please" I pointed him out to the guy who handed him to us, I held him close "Awwh, he's so cute" I giggled "Just like you" Austin replied, kissing the tip of my nose. I didn't think I'd feel this way but Austin is actually perfect. In every way, he's the perfect guy, he's great in bed, he's cute, he's sweet, he's good looking AND he's a hopeless romantic, it's insane how wonderful he is and I can't say I've ever enjoyed a date as much I have today.


Once we got back to the venue I thought it would be a good idea to tell Cameron that Austin and I were seeing each other, but apparently I didn't need to, just as we reched the venue, Cam was stepping out for a cigarette and before I could even say hi, he greeted Austin and asked "Hey, how'd the date go man? I hope you're treating my little sister right!" he grinned, I just stood there awe-struck while the guys carried on the conversation "Yeah man it was great" Austin paused to smile at me and squeeze my hand "We went to the fair and Samantha won a teddy bear, we named him Percy, he's Percy the nerd, and yeah, it was a great day all round." He finishes smiling at me once again, I smiled back but then I saw James, standing behind Cam looking hurt, I bet he just heard every word that was said. Fuck

He stubbed out his just lit cigarette and went back inside, I sighed watching him leave but then looked up at the wonderful guy next to me who just looked so animated talking away to my brother with the cutest little smile I've ever seen, so I decided to leave them be and go get on with my job, I tip-toed up to kiss Austin on the cheek and said goodbye to them boys as I put Percy in my bunk and got to loading in and setting up for the evening.
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I know it's bad but it's past 3am and I'm sleepy