Status: No further plan to continue this story. Sorry, but it is/was terrible.

The Boy With the Electric Blue Eyes

Chapter 16

I looked up from the stairs to see everyone staring at me. Some people were smiling others were glaring at me then at their dates for looking at me. As I kept descending the stairs I felt like Sam from a Cinderella story. I really didn’t like all this attention. When I go to the bottom of the stairs Max and Cammie were there along with Justine and Sam.

“Rose. You look amazing!” Cammie squealed in delight. I smiled shyly at her.

“You really think so?” I asked.

“Yes, now come on and let’s dance. We cannot let tonight go to waste.” As Cammie led me out to the dance floor I looked back over at Max staring at me. I looked away smiling shyly to myself. When we reached the dance floor Cammie grabbed my hand and made me start dancing. I hate dancing I am horrible at it. I am always worried that I will trip over my feet.

While I was trying to focus on not tripping over, I looked up to see Max talking intensely with Justine. As they were talking I saw Max and Justine gesturing over to me continuously. I was so focused on watching the two of them talk that I didn’t notice that Cammie had decided to spin me around. I spun and fell right into the arms of the boy with the chocolate brown eyes.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey Everyone, I am really sorry it took me so long to update this story. I know it is a very short chapter but i had kind of lost faith in this story and I didn't know where I wanted it to go, so I kind f gave up on it, but here is another chapter I hope you like it. This story will probably continue just some of the updates may be further apart and some may be closer together.