Status: No further plan to continue this story. Sorry, but it is/was terrible.

The Boy With the Electric Blue Eyes

Chapter 2

Those eyes. The same eyes as the ones from my dream. The boy in front of me smiled, and held out his hand. I took out my earphones and took his hand.
“Hi, I’m Max.” he said as he took my hand and shook it.
“H-h-hi, I’m Rose.” I stammered. I couldn’t keep my eyes off of his. They were just so blue, I felt like I was going to drown in them. I realised I was staring at him and blushed. He smiled. I stood up to go and he followed suit.

“Is there something I can help you with?” I asked. I was feeling kind of nervous about talking to him. I mean after the dream I had last night who wouldn’t be nervous about talking to him. I mean I have never seen him before in my life.

“Oh yes, I was wondering if you could please show me where T7 is?” His voice was like velvet. It washed over me like a cool summer breeze.

“Yes of course. That is actually my next class.” I began to leave the class room. He followed me. All the way out the door I could feel his eyes on me. I tried to think of something to say, but all could think about was the dream. The dream that had felt so real, the feel of his hands, the touch of his lips, and the way he looked at me with those electric blue eyes. I cleared my throat. “So what brings you to Dawson Hall Boarding School?”

He looked up and walked up beside me. “Um my parents wanted to go off and travel the world for the next two years. They thought I was “to young” to go with them, and they really didn’t want to home school me so they sent my hear.” He held up his arms and gestured around to the school.

“Wow that must suck having to be here while they are off travelling the world.”

“Yeah, it does. So what brought you here?”

“Oh me well. My parents they died a couple of years ago from the swine flu. I was lucky to not get it from them. Any way I was sent to live with my Aunt and her family. Since all of her kids had long since graduated she sent me here.”

“Oh. Sorry about your parents it must be tough.”

“it was at first, I still miss them sometimes but I guess that is just a part of life.” We had finally reached T7. “Well here it is. Just go up to the teacher Mr Pascoe and show him your timetable then you should be all good for this lesson.” I walked on a head of him and took my seat in the back corner of the room my usual spot. I got my books and things out of my bag an opened up to the page number he had on the board. I groaned Pythagoras theorem great the one thing I hated.

When I looked up I saw something move in the corner of my eye. I looked over and jumped a little when I saw that Max was sitting right next to me. “Sorry I f I scared you. It looks like we are going to be sitting next to each other for the lesson.”

I smiled but truth be told I kind of didn’t want to sit next to him because of the dream. But then I did want to sit next to him to find out why he was in my dream. I know I probably sound crazy but hey who isn’t crazy these days?