Something to Think About

As I write this I'm laughing.

So to people who know me in real life, well yeah. I occasionally watch porn. My friends do too, I know that for a fact. But for me, I don't really know.

So porn's supposed to be for getting people off, right? It's supposed to be sexy, supposed to turn people on. But I don't watch it to get off. It's human anatomy, and I find it funny that people find it offensive and shit. How the fuck do you think you got here? Not all of us are test tube babies. But in all seriousness, it's just sex.

Wow. It's JUST sex. Hopefully, you'll have sex eventually, all that "omg, virgins" shit won't be a big deal, big whoop. People have sex.

And on that note, yeah, I don't watch it to get off like most people do. I laugh at all those guys on omegle who keep saying "hey can I cum for you?" or "show me your tits, and I'll show you my world" and I tell them
"Doesn't porn take care of all of that these days?"
I mean really. The industry covers SO. MANY. THINGS. It's crazy, really. It's probably the most diverse, open, expanded industry. But watching it has become like watching Youtube videos.

Sometimes it's cute, and I'm just like, aww, go make babies, you guys are adorable. Those are the best kind, because they're not always common.

And sometimes it's all fancy, and like Nathaniel said, it's art. People put effort into making sex look romantic and effortless, and sometimes it's just really good like "the lighting and the angles in this one is great" and I've read a comment before that said "I feel like applauding, it's so beautiful I could cry" but yeah, sometimes it's art. It's film. It's art.

And sometimes it's just plain BAD. Like, stupid bad. Funny bad. Like Lemon Stealing Whores. Who in their right mind would punish a whore for stealing your lemons by fucking her brains out? All that, plus the fact that your wife or something, co-owner of that lemon tree, is masturbating with a lemon in the corner. Apparently James Deen would. It was hilarious. I was laughing so hard, I almost cried. The acting is horrific. It's just... so.. bad.

But I usually watch it to see how different people are. Just watching people do what's accepted out in public get's boring, and it's funny to see what different, weird things people do.

I've talked with my friends about what our sexual fetishes would be, if we were to be full on sexually obsessed with something. And it's interesting. There are so many things out there.

There's a whole world out there.

Don't be afraid of it.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm not the only one who thinks like this, but sometimes I feel like I am.
And I'm just looking on the lighter side of things, I know there are a lot more serious sides to this, but I'm not looking to address those.

If you were offended in any way, I'm sorry... but not really. No, I'm not sorry.

There's too much fan-fiction on here for people to not have an opinion.

Comment. Share it. :)