Something to Think About

Embrace the moment.

The day had already been long. It never occurred to me that my night could have ended like this.

I signed his yearbook on Tuesday, and I had no idea if he had read what I wrote yet. I didn't see him until this night. Thursday night.

It started off slow, two hours out in line, waiting. Talking some, and more waiting. When we got in the arena it was brutal. The sun was unforgiving, my dress was too short. We played a game which ended in an unsuccessful attempt to find Trent, then realized we were on the wrong side.

As we waited for another hour or so, the sun went down and the graduation ceremony started. We screamed for people, embarrassed some, clapped for most. The night progressed, our banter picked up. We were laughing about everything, and Lanna cried over the speech that was made. The sun finally set and we put our cardigans on and huddled together for warmth. Our dinner reservations fell through so we cancelled during the middle of the ceremony, knowing we wouldn't get there in time. Once it ended and everyone filed out, we got a head start and ran up the steps in an effort to find people first.

We wandered aimlessly for a good 15 minutes, and ran into his family but said nothing. Another fifteen minutes later and graduates emerged from the gates, and I was able to give Britt her gift before she left. Marisa came out and we all huddled together in search for Allee, who was no where to be found. We gave up and headed toward the exit through the mass of people, and we ran into his family again, except this time he was there. They were turning around to go somewhere else, and he stopped when he saw me, smiled, and came towards me.

The first thing he said?

"Hands off my butt."

Then he opened his arms and pulled me close and held me tight.

I could have stayed in his arms for an eternity. Neither of us made a move to let go, and we just stayed there as if we were the only people ever. I pulled away a little bit so I could hand him the last note we made, written by "Geoffery Cassels". He tucked it into his diploma folder thing. Our arms were still around each other. I was so close to him.

So I did it.

I leaned in and kissed him on the cheek, and said "Congratulations! I love you!"

And he smiled and blushed like crazy. I pulled away and waved bye, smiling my ass off.

When I turned around, I found his uncle with Lanna's phone, ready to take a picture for us. Marisa and Lanna and I smiled and thanked him. When we walked towards the exit and were well away from him, my brain was exploding.

Marisa got to kiss Taite, and she was flustered too. We sat in the car, completely smitten, completely satisfied. The only issue left was where to eat dinner, since we had cancelled our reservation. And of course, we chose the local hangout, the go-to diner. We were all exhausted at this point, and we stumbled out of the car and into the waiting area. And who else would be there, standing in the middle of the room? His uncle who had taken a picture of us earlier. And in the corner? Taite. I couldn't help but smile and giggle with excitement. We took a quick trip to the restroom to freshen up, then retreated back to the waiting area before our table was ready. Lanna sat in a chair by the door, and I stood facing her and the door to talk to her. And then he came in. He saw me through the glass of the door, and he lit up with a massive smile.

He walked through and puts his arms around my shoulders and greeted Marisa and Lanna. My arms found themselves wrapped around his waist, and we talked about college and what they're all doing next.

He smells sweet. So sweet.

He decided that he should go back to his family so he excused himself, and I looked from Marisa to Lanna and I couldn't suppress my giddy-ness. We were finally called to our table and we had to pass by him again. Lanna dared me to pinch his butt, and he knows me too well for that. And his family is around. I approached him slowly, and he turned around so I couldn't get anywhere near his behind. He smirked at me and laughed, and I laughed back, mumbling something along the lines of "I hate you." He laughs again and turns around, and we go find our table.

I am completely, painfully smitten.
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What I wrote in his year book after 5 lines of rambling:

I really really really really really really like you.