Something to Think About


Dancing is my get away. When I'm by myself, I dance. When I'm out in public, I dance.

Dancing is my default. I honestly bet that if you just took a look at me randomly throughout the day, you will catch me dancing at least once. Or twice, if it's a good day.

I'm not good or anything, that's not the point. I'm no where near Ashley and other people on guard are much better technically than I am. I suck at basics, that's for sure. Today in class during across the floors I was a hot mess. But when you put me into a combo, or some kind of lengthy dance peace, and give some great music with a good beat, I am capable of anything.

Give me a song. That's all I ask. A song with meaning, a song with a purpose. Sure, you can give me a song about fucking bitches and getting money, and I can dance to that I guess, but not the way I'd like to. Give me a song with feeling. And I will show you up. And before I go up with the group, people tell me they will watch me. And I will give them something to watch. You can be taught a dance to a song, and you can learn it. But how you dance it is something different entirely. We are in one room with twenty-five girls. Twenty-six, if you count Ashley. And we will all learn the exact same routine. The same moves, the same song. And we will all dance it differently. But it takes purpose to dance with purpose. People say that I make it my own, I give it more. But that's not true. I was given the same things they were too, the same tools, the same moves. The difference is that when you put your heart into something, it shows. Anyone can move. Anyone can dance. What you do with it is entirely different.

I never understood why some people are so physically awkward. Maybe that's just me being shallow again, but I never understood it. Your body is the case to your heart, your soul. You move it everywhere, you do things with it. At this day and age, everyone should be comfortable and acquainted with it, right? Movement should be natural, your body is something you can control. All bodies are beautiful. So when people move, or try to move sometimes, I wonder what they have been doing their entire life. I want to slap them up, shake em and rattle em a bit, tell them to move about sometime. It's really wonderful, moving, living, breathing. Maybe I didn't run around when I was younger, as much as I wish I did. Maybe I didn't climb enough trees, do enough cartwheels, break enough bones, eat enough dirt. But maybe some people didn't either. No matter, moving is something natural.

And it's wonderful.

You pulled me under so I had to give in
Such a beautiful mess that's breaking my skin
Well I'll hide all the bruises; I'll hide all the damage that's done
But I show how I'm feeling until all the feeling has gone.
♠ ♠ ♠
"The Pieces Don't Fit Anymore" by James Morrison.

It's a wonderful song. Listen to it.