Status: Complete


The sea

It was when she was sitting by the seashore, enjoying the gentle gust of wind blowing from the west when her beloved mother called out, ''Jessel! You've been sitting outside for three quarters of an hour. At least now come and have dinner. It's way past your bed time."

She answered back, ''Coming, mom!'' and had her last look at the glowing pearls in the flowing blue sea water and left for her home beside the sea shore.

She sat at the dining table lost in her own world. Jessel had long curly brown hair dropping to her waist. The girl had dark stormy eyes and a fair complexion. The sea always reminded her of something, something about her past but she couldn't remember what it was. It kind of gave her company. She was the only child of her parents which should have made her lonely. But she was different. She hardly ever went out of her house and when she did, it was for some major occasion like her birthday. So, she barely had any friends- or friends that can be called human. Her only friend was the mighty sea.

She always felt that it is trying to - or at least wants to say something to her. But she never understood what it was.

Jessel thought that she was of no good and couldn't do even a single thing correctly. She was very slow in everything she did, rarely on time. But she knew that she was a special kid. She herself didn't know why but she always had a doubt in her mind that 'Is everyone else slightly not like me?'

She always wanted to go to school like most of the girls did but could not.

Her mother, the only family she had was a sensitive lady who was very caring. She was as strict as such a gentle mother can ever be.

They earned their living by growing coconut trees. Aalka, Jessel's mom went out once in 6 months to trade in the nearby town. They sometimes went for fishing too.

Now that it was night, Jessel had her boiled eggs and went straight to bed. She took out a spare piece of fresh paper and wrote down a letter.

Dear me,
Nothing so special today. Tomorrow , mom's goin' to town I am gonna stay all alone for the whole day. I will finish my Maths book 'cause mom'll be gettin' a new one for me. It'll be boring without mom, but I'm still happy. I'll be gettin' new stuff- new clothes, new note books and a new board game :). I'll write more tomorrow!

Jessel suddenly realized that she had just used the last piece of paper she had. She called across the room, "Mom! We're running out of paper!"
Her mom answered, "Yeah sure Jezy, I'll get you some tomorrow! Now, you must be sleepy. Go to sleep. I'll be there in a minute to check if you are asleep."

Jessel used to write letters daily and put them in a folder. She was in a habit of doing that since the age of five.

Jessel closed her eyes and her soul slipped away in her nightmare.