
Chapter 2

Thierry splashed some cold water on his face, and the droplets of water mingled with his salty tears. He only cried when he was alone, crying was a sign of weakness. He looked at himself in the mirror again, and was surprised that he looked fresher. His eyes weren’t as puffy, and his face no longer looked dirty. His next step was to pick up the shaver and get rid of the stubble which was growing along his jaw, and cheeks. As he shaved, he thought back to the events which unfolded the day after he had last come home late from work and almost cut his cheek.

Sunlight was shimmering through the half open curtains, as Thierry awoke to the sound of a bag being zipped shut and a soft sniffling sound. Rubbing his eyes, he glanced up to see Rachel packing a suitcase, tears trickling down her pale face leaving a trail of black streaks.

“Rachel, what are you doing?” He sat up fast, and felt a surge of faintness overcame him.

“I can’t do this anymore. It’s either work, or us, and you’ve made it perfectly clear that work comes first. Do you even know what yesterday was? Our ten year anniversary! And you stayed at work until three in the morning.” She yelled at him, and he flinched. Rachel never raised her
voice at anyone unless she was furious, and right now she seemed beyond furious.

“Where are you going?” His voice was calm, collected, and almost cold.

“My mother’s. Don’t contact me.” Her voice seemed so distant, as she picked the bags up, and left the room leaving a paralyzed Thierry behind.

He hadn’t gone after her that day, he remembered as he carefully shaved. He should have. If he had, he might still have a family and his job on the force, but he didn’t. He hadn’t talked to her since then, and it must have been months ago now. Time was worthless to him; it felt like yesterday whenever he thought about it. The same grief that stabbed him that day still stabbed him now, right in the heart. He still hadn’t checked the time yet, but he didn’t really need to. He had nothing to be on time for, no job, nothing. Rachel leaving had truly been his downfall. All this time, he had thought his work had been his purpose in life, when his purpose had been to love Rachel. He had failed his own purpose. Either way, it had possibly been months since he had talked to his wife, and weeks since he had a job to go to. Struggling, he tried to piece together the memories of his last few days at work.

“Thierry? Thierry, wake up! This is a staff meeting, not playgroup naptime” Chief Meyer roared and Thierry was jolted awake.

He burped loudly, and his co-worker Thomas complained loudly about the smell of whisky which was being emitted from his partner.

“You’re all dismissed. Thierry, stay behind.” Meyer sighed.

“Sorry boss, I’ll be better next time.” He slurred, as he tried to speak.

“There won’t be a next time Thierry, this is the third time you’ve showed up at work intoxicated.
I just can’t let this slide! I’m giving you a suspension, just until you get back on your feet. What will the public think if this got out!?” Thierry imagined the headlines of the local news, “Hero Policeman caught intoxicated on the job”, and smirked. At least he’d be on the TV.

“This isn’t funny Thierry. You’re leave is effective immediately, please pack up your desk now and leave the building.”

That was the last day he’d turned up for work. Technically his suspension was only to last three weeks, but he knew it had been over three weeks since he had left. He didn’t plan on ever going back.
Without his wife and daughter, life had no meaning for Thierry. Tears trickled down his face, as he sat down on his bed. The side which no one had slept on, where Rachel should be was where he sat hoping that one day, she would return.