Status: I'll see how this goes and maybe I'll write more.

I've Lost My Fear of Falling


I ran, giggling as my dad chased me around our yard. Finally, my stubby, kid legs couldn’t take any more and I fell to the ground, right on my ass. My dad took this as an opportunity to tackle me, poking his long fingers into my sides, making me laugh even louder. He scooped me into his arms, his bright red hair tickling my cheeks…

—-12 Years Later—-

A car door slammed shut, snapping me out of my memory.

You see, those were the days when my dad, Gerard Way, was famous, but he still seemed to give a shit about me, my mom Lindsey, and my twelve year old sister Madeline Marie. Sure, he comes home every once in a while, but he’d always be too tired fom touring or recording.

I’m fifteen now. And yes, I am the one and only Bandit Lee Way. I know everyone expected me to be some bad-ass kid, but really I’m just an ordinary teenage girl, angry at the world. Sorry to disappoint.