Status: Posting

Make It out Alive


I was starting to come around, and the first thing I became aware of was Abigail kicking. My wrists were tied behind my back, and my legs tied to the legs of the chair. The room was dimly lit, the windows blacked out with paint. "Hello?" I called.

"I'm glad you're awake, Polly," a man said, strolling in.

"Who are you?" I asked, struggling against my bonds.

"We've met before, don't you remember?" he asked, coming close.

His face was familiar, frighteningly so. "You were my nurse after my accident," I breathed.

"Very good," he responded, smirking. "I hope you don't mind, I've induced labor."

"You sick fuck, you leave her alone!" I yelled.

"Oh, no, it's not little Abigail Reid I'm interested in. No, no, no, I induced so you could hold your baby before you die. She'll go to her father when I'm done here," he assured me, sounding sincere.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"What was he like? Jared, your father, what were his personality quirks? He never really talked about himself in the letters, he always talked about you. Please tell me," he demanded.

"He was cruel and mean, and only cared about himself," I spat. "He loved to use his little fanboys like you."

"Shut up!" He yelled. "Shut up! He told me all about you. How you put serial killers like us away, but how at night you screamed and screamed. He told me all about your boyfriend."

"Fiance," I corrected, cutting my eyes at him. "Did he tell you how I wasn't afraid to kill?"

I struggled to remember his name, I think it had been Amos, but had a hard time remembering. He laughed throatily. "How are those contractions?"

"Leave my baby alone," I growled.

"I already told you, she'll go back to her daddy and you'll stay here with me until you die," he said, grinning wickedly.

He got close and I spat in his eye. In reply, he laughed, giggling insanely, wiping his eyes. "You sick bastard."

"I'm not going to deny that," he giggled. "Call me when the contractions get bad." He wiggled his fingers and disappeared.

I hated that I gave birth to something so beautiful and innocent in somewhere so disgusting, but as I held Abigail Diana Reid, I felt a peace fall over me. "Hello, Abby, hi. God, you look so much like Spencer."

Abby cooed up at me and grinned a toothless smile. Wide brown eyes beamed up at me in adoration for the mother she finally met. A nagging thought told me that this would probably be the last time she met me, but I swatted it away, smiling down at my child. My daughter. My beautiful baby daughter. I smoothed down the small tuft of dark hair and kissed her forehead, humming to her softly.

The baby in my arms blinked up at me, but then Amos took her away. "Don't worry, she won't be hurt. She'll go back to her father, and he'll raise her as he sees fit." He then left the room, but when he returned, I couldn't hear or see Abby.

"My team is going to get you," I panted.

"Are they?" he purred. He held up a needle. "Do you know what's in here? It's a personal favorite of mine. All you'll do is close your eyes and never wake again."

I finally felt panic rise in my chest. I had been shot, stabbed, raped, starved, and now I was finally going to die. This psycho was going to kill me. All I wanted was to tell Spencer I loved him one last time and hold my baby in my arms. He pulled my arm to him and tied my arm, finding a vein, he injected the clear poison into my blood stream.

"Tell Spencer and Abby I love them," I breathed, feeling heavy.

"I will," Amos assured me.

There was a dark falling over me, and I struggled to keep my eyelids open, fought to keep consciousness, but the harder I tried, the more tired I became. I could feel my heart beat slowing down, and my breathe was labored. There was fire in my veins, coursing through every part of me. I was being ripped in half and sown together simultaneously. It was excruciating, and I couldn't fight. I felt like I was falling asleep after taking a bit too much cold medicine after a particularly nasty flu, and finally, I couldn't fight anymore. I closed my eyes and fell into the darkness.
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A shout out to my new readers and commenters who motivated me to update despite this nasty flu I'm getting over. Seriously, you want to know if our dear BAU bursts in in the knick of time? Comment! It's the best way to motivate me!