Status: Finished

Living Dead Girl.

Be Quick Or Be Dead.

I spun around in the direction of the sexy voice and looked deep into a pair of baby blue eyes. My heart almost dropped at the sight of this man. He was drop dead gorgeous.

His hands held a large crossbow, smirking at me and shaking his head.

"Why not?" I gulped, hoping not to show signs of attraction towards this man.
"There's Walkers everywhere in that store. If you need supplies, you best come with me." He raised his eyebrows at his own suggestion.

"Okay. Let me just go back to my car and tell my friend..." I rushed back over to my pick up and let Vicky know where I was going. She was reluctant to let me go, but in the end, she felt more safe in the truck.

"Sorry, didn' properly introduce m'self...Daryl Dixon." He muttered, walking in front of me, his crossbow looking menacing.
"...Yeah, I'm Kat. Kat Waters."

He stopped dead in his tracks. I could tell he knew who I was now. He must've seen my music videos, or heard my songs on the radio.

"Yer that rockstar, aintcha? Yeh, I heard yeh on the radio quite a few times. I like your style, woman." He eyed me up and down. I chuckled slightly and smiled.
"Thanks Daryl."

We continued talking, and I really got to know Daryl a lot. He was very stubborn, pigheaded and loved things going his way. But, I could tell her cared a lot and had the slightest amount of compassion. I could tell we'd be good friends.

Finally, after finding another store, we went in and checked the surroundings. After hearing no shuffling, no moaning and finding no Walkers, we grabbed all the supplies we could and headed out of the store as soon as we could.

"You got anywhere to go?" Daryl asked as we walked back to my pick up truck. I saw his similar truck parked near by and shook my head.
"Follow me. I'll bring you to my camp."

I walked back to my truck, but couldn't help but glance back at Daryl.

I felt like a schoolgirl...I knew that I immediately liked Daryl.