Status: Finished

Living Dead Girl.

Strange Days.

When we got to the camp, there were quite a bit of people staring at Vicky and I. I felt confident, knowing that I'd be a great addition to their team. I could tell Vicky was really out of place and she felt shy. I felt somewhat motherly over her, even if I only had known her for an hour or two.

"Hey! This here is Vicky and Kat." Daryl called out, sitting on one of the chairs near a fire pit.

A man with a gruff face and a leadership demeanor walked up to us. He scanned us over and finally smiled.

"Are any of you bitten, scratched or infected?" He asked, looking back to a tall, brunette. I'm guessing it was his wife.
"No. I'm not, nor is she. We just need a place to stay."

"I'm Rick Grimes, used to be sheriff's deputy. This is my partner, Shane Walsh." Another good-looking southern man appeared next to him. He had a cold stare in his almost black eyes, but they softened when he looked at me.

"Hey! I know you! You're that rock n roll singer! Kat Waters!" He seemed impressed and I smiled at him.
"Who else wants an autograph?"

Hours later...

Over the hours, we got to meet Dale, the man who owned the RV, Glenn, a man from Korea who was great at getting himself in and out of small places. I also got introduced to Amy and Andrea, two sisters who looked quite a bit alike, Lori and Carl, Rick's wife and son. There was also Carol and Sophia.

I got to really enjoy these people, who, despite the apocalypse, had all colorful and bright personalities. They all seemed to welcome us into their group.

Personally, I got along best with Daryl and Andrea. Vicky was becoming fast friends with Amy and Glenn. Actually, it even seemed she was crushing on Glenn.

Finally, night hit and I was exhausted from the whole day I had. I wondered if we were truly safe out here. Besides, it was cold and very dark out.

"Vicky, you can stay with Amy and Andrea. Kat, the only place we could fit you was with Daryl. Hope that's okay with the both of you." Rick said, smiling at us both. I nodded my head, not really caring who I slept with. I just wanted to sleep.

Daryl showed me to his tent, letting me get settled and changed before coming back inside. He sat down on a large sleeping bag, pulled out a big bottle of whiskey and took a swig. That's when I finally felt the withdrawals I was having from cocaine, speed, amphetamines and the occasional heroin.

I dug through my purse, hoping to find the last of my fix. I hoped and prayed that I'd have something to snort up or to take tonight. I would need it.

"Whatya lookin' for?" Daryl asked, his eyes glazed over. He was already getting drunk.
"...Drugs." Is all I muttered.

He seemed more interested now.

"What kind, darlin'?"
"Pills, coke, heroin. Anything." I finally found a tiny baggie filled with snow white powder, another bag holding a few pills. In a tin foil, I found the rest of my heroin. I wondered if I had kept a syringe handy in my purse.

"Woah, you really go the whole nine yards, dontcha?" Daryl questioned, hoping to get some too.
"Wanna trip balls, hun?" I began chopping up the cocaine with a sterile razor blade, making two fat lines on a tiny mirror I brought along everywhere.

That night, Daryl and I snorted all the rest of my cocaine, having a very blissful night. Not knowing that tomorrow might be different because of what lies ahead...