

Hayden stood, shirtless at the top of the water fall, “I’m coming down!” He called down happily. I could see the wild grin pulling across his face he backed away from the beautiful falls. I waited a few more moments before his body came flying off of the peak, doing an ungraceful swan dive. My heart was racing, as it always did when one of us would jump from the peak.

Normally he would have landed safely in the water next to me. But not this time. He went hurdling, in an inhuman like angle, toward the one place we always tried to avoid. The pool just in front of he falls end that serrated rocks waited under the crystal clear water. Waiting for someone to make the mistake and fall into the pit.

“No!” I screamed in despair as I watched his body falling into the pit of knife like rocks. But I was to late. By the time I got over to where his body had fallen, deep crimson blood was floating around the surface of the water. I dove under the water, feeling the cool water stinging my forest green eyes as I searched desperately for Hayden. Once I found him, he was thrashing about, with a rock piercing through his leg and chest. I tried to help him by pulling him up and out of the water.

Once I finally pulled hi to the safety of the sore, I began to sob. “Shh, Quinn, it’s fine,” He cooed, his voice scratchy and quiet. I looked at his face, blood was dripping from the corners of his mouth. “call 911, Quinn,” He demanded, looking at me with his worrying brown eyes. I began to hyperventilate. I couldn’t just leave him there. And my phone was back in the car. My mind was filing with ideas on what to do. Not one did I act on. And Hayden caught on, quickly actually. “Quinn, be happy,” Were the last words he said to me.


One Year Later. To The Date.

The day was bright and shining, in Mystic Falls, Washington, and I laid in my bed, my warm, salty tears staining my pillow. I could hear my mom’s voice yelling from don stairs to get up and get ready for school. But I didn’t want to. I wasn’t gong to either. It was a year, to the date after Hayden’s death, and she knew that! I didn’t listen to his final wish. I hadn’t been happy sense his death. I guess my happiness died with him.

“Quinn, sweetie I know this is a rough day for you, but you have to go to school,” She stated, from the foot of my bed. I didn’t even know she was in my room. I moaned, unhappily, and flung my white cover off of my body.

“ill be ready in like twenty minutes,” I muttered, grabbing a random pair of jeans, and a plane tee-shirt and trudged into the bathroom to get ready.

After quickly showering and drying off, I pulled a brush through my wavy, brown hair, and got dressed.

Before I left, I grabbed my cell phone, that I never used, my iPOD and book bag, and bounded down the stairs. My mother was waiting by the door, her dirty blond hair pulled into a messy bun, “You look adorable,” She smiled, opening he door for me. I forced a weak smile onto my face, because of course I wanted to be called adorable at the age of seven-teen.

The ride to school was silent, all except my music blaring though my headphones. My mother, in worry of my eardrums, had yelled at me to lower it. But, I just ignored her I could hear well enough and I always listened to my music at that volume.

“We’re here,” She stated, “Tell them I knew you were tardy,” She added handing me a little note. I nodded, shoving the pink piece of paper and getting out of the car, with not even a goodbye. She called something out after me, maybe an “I love you!” or a “Have a good day!” but I didn’t hear.

I gazed at the school before me as I trudged toward it. The once red bricks were fading, and the windows that were placed sporadically around the walls were an the brink of cracking. “Terribly, old school,” I whispered to myself. I huffed, oh great, now I’m talking to myself.
“Ms. Dillings!” The office lady shouted, just a tad to loud for my liking. I groaned silently. I forced another smile on my face as I continued to trudge across the shiny, tile floors below me.
I handed her the note once I reached the gray and blue desk that she sat at, “My mom knew,” I mumbled, hoping she would hear me. I looked up to the woman , and she nodded slightly. She had to be in her late fifties, with her curly gray hair that cascaded loosely in short bob, tracing her gaunt face.

“Ms. Dillings, would you mind if I asked you to show a new student, Kyle around?” She said pointing her bony finger toward a dingy old chair in the corner of the small, square room.

I snapped my head in his direction. He was sitting in a chair, sliding his fingers across his forehead, moving his shaggy black hair out of his bright blue eyes. “Nice to meet you,” He smiled, standing up and holding his large, muscular hand out.

I quickly took his had and shook it lightly, “I’m Quinn,” I whispered, in a monotone voice. He nodded, seemingly awkwardly. “Let’s get going then,” I muttered, walking toward the door.

I could hear the squeaking of his shoes as he followed me out of the room, “Are we going to talk, or are you going to be one of those people that never talk?” He inquired after we had been walking for a few minutes.

I shrugged my shoulders, “You can talk, but I probably wont respond,” I said truthfully.

“You just said something!” He exclaimed, poking his pointer finger right in my face. “Victory is mine,” He added quietly,

I shook my head, a small smile creeping onto my face. My eyes widened… that was the first time I had really smiled in a year. Whoa.

The rest of our tour, it lasted only a half an hour, that was when the next class would be taking place, and he had me smiling, even laughing! I was in utter awe at the boy. How could I know him for less than an hour, and have him already making me… happy.

I bit my lip, I wanted to be happy. And I needed to finally listen to Hayden’s last request. The loud, and utterly annoying bell rang, signaling it was time for lunch. Students started to pile out of classrooms, and I pulled Kyle over to the side. “Stay over here till the herd enters the cafeteria,” I joked. Yes I joked! I smiled, I was glad I was trying to be happy again.

After a good, ten minute wait, I dragged Kyle into the cafeteria by his wrist, “Go get lunch, and meet me at that table, okay?” I said, pointing to the lunch line, and then to my friends. Well… they were my friends a year ago. He nodded, and disappeared into the crowd of people failing over to the lunch line. I scampered over to my group of friends, at least I hoped they would still be my friends.

I took a deep breath before speaking, they were all looking at me, “I am so sorry guys. I truly am. I was hurt, and I realize you guys were to but, I watched him die. And it affected me,” I chuckled quietly, “As you could tell. And I’m so sorry I barley have talked to any of you. And even if I did talk to you I was… like depressed. I’m sorry, can you guys forgive me?” I let a deep breath out, waiting patiently for their answer.

My best friend, Kelly, was the first to answer, “Sure Quinn, we understood. We knew you were hurting. That doesn’t mean we ever stopped loveing you.”

The rest of my five friends nodded. I felt a small tear roll down my cheek as I practically ran over to Kelly and hugged her tightly, then happily, sat down.

The rest of the school day passed quickly. It was filled with smiles, and laughs, even jokes cracked by me. We were walking home now, Kelly, Kyle and I.

“I’m glad to have you back,” Kelly smiled. I chuckled, I was glad to have me back to. Not depressed Quinn. No. Not anymore. I was happy Quinn.

“I guess I just found my happy again,” I smiled, tightening my grip on Kyle’s hand.

“I guess you did, Quinn, I guess you did.” She said, and with that, turned on her heal, and started walking down her street.

Grinning, I looked at Kyle, he helped me. He helped my find my happy. And I am truly happy he did.
♠ ♠ ♠
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Not my best, only because Ihad to keep it belo 1500 words. Which i didnt doo, cuz I’m bad (;

Its a whole 1530 words! To be exact. Arent I bad [;
Hoped you liked it though